Raven, meet Dove

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''God! you are insufferable!'' Maeve screams at her inebriated, sad excuse for a father. '' Shut the actual fuck up. God what did I do to get a drunk for a father.'' Sighing and shaking her head she continues ''My boyfriend is the one who fucking died and yet here you are wasted.'' She seizes the bottle from his hand, ''Let go!'' She  grumbled. The bottle shatters onto her foot Maeve shrieks, blood trickles down her sock. Painting it crimson.

Her father stares, stoic. ''Really?! Nothing.'' She stumbled towards a cabinet, wading through all sorts. He looks up, embarrassed ''Sorry.'' , Maeve sniffed. Wiping a tear from her cold cheek, ''Sorry means nothing to me now.'' she reaches for a bandage. Pulling the glass from her foot, peeling her sock off she wraps it around. And around. twirling , twisting around her ankle like a dancer. She yelps as it tightens. 

Maeve hobbled to the comfort of her room. Bare . He'd once promised her he'd decorate it. Ten years later it's unfinished, just singular swatches of paint on each wall. ivy green, deep ocean blue,  warm brown. The harshness of white hurt Maeve's eyes , after all it was late. She sat on her bed letting herself go numb. 

''I'll leave tomorrow'' this thought had never been spoken of, dared to be thought. And now, what, she'd given in. Or given up.

Wolves howl. Birds screech. Tomorrow the Raven will fly.

Maeve stirs. Yelping and twitching. She rises, panting . She tries calming herself. ''For fucks sake''  , she grunts. Limping to the kitchen, shaking , she pours old leftover coffee.  Maeve guzzles it down grimacingly. Placing the cup in the sink. She walks to her bedroom

Her mind races. What to pack. She grabs several outfits, savings and a brush. She places extra bandages around her foot helping her walk more comfortably. She places the rest in a separate  compartment. Pain pills she'd need those. Toothbrush , food, water. That was all she needed to get to the main city. She could get a job, away from this. 

The memories of Otto. His sweet tender voice, the longing for his embrace. It's almost like she could see him now. 

And of course to find his murderer. His killer. Lilith.

At last she grabs a sheet of parchment and a pen. It read; I'm sorry I left. Love you, Maeve.

Maeve grabs a cloak and lifts the hood, she'd walk under the moons merciful light. She treks following a dirt track leading through the forest. Wolves still howled. Birds still screeched .The Raven is flying at last. She sobs, wishing  on her new life, her revenge. she continues , her eyes dry. Now realising she was alone. Under the star painted sky, she had neglected the thought of danger. Enjoying the view

Rustling, or footsteps. Her mind played tricks. She felt hands grasping at her. She shrieked. Until a real person stood upon her. 

His ocean eyes glided around her. He reached out for her, ''Are you alright?..'' Maeve shivered. ''No, not really.'' Raven, meet Dove

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