Eye to Eye with the Devil!

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Eye to Eye with the Devil!

Sibel woke up, finding herself in his room, in his bed, covered by his blanket. She immediately removed the blanket because it smelled like him, that odious olive fragrance of his. Her mind was blank, no matter how much she tried to recollect what happened last night after she fainted in his arms. Pushing herself to the edge of the bed, she tried to get up and leave, but a shooting pain crossed her whole body, freezing her in place.

"Lie back in bed!" he ordered as he walked in from the balcony side. "The doctor said you need to rest."

"Did you tell the doctor that if I don't do the chores you said, I get raped, beaten, belted, slapped, or better yet, put in the dungeon?" She recounted his monstrous actions that had happened and would probably be repeated as she managed to walk towards the door, taking each step slowly.

"For once in your life, listen, woman," his voice was gentle as he took her left arm delicately, fearing he might hurt her.

She stared at him attentively, then removed her arm quickly, not caring if it caused her pain.

"Don't ever do this again! I will never allow you to be good to me!" she seethed, trying to stand firmly on her weak feet as she pointed her index finger at him.

"You already knew how things would go between us. That's why you put that stupid condition when we got married!" he shouted at her, staring into her onyx eyes that did not show even a hint of love towards him.


"If I used your family, would you be an obedient wife?"


"You wanted to be a martyr for that stupid Andrea."

"You are stupid! He is ask (love)!"

"No, the stupid one here is you for still thinking of him! If he really loved you, he would be outside screaming your name!" he shouted, his heart burning with jealousy.

"Because he really loves me and knows me, that's why he's not here!" she retorted in the same way.

"Who loves and knows you, only time will tell, dear wife!"

"I am not your wife!"

"Yes, you are!"

"Yeah, I saw it!"

"It happened once! It was all your fault!"

"My fault?! How is it my fault, Sinbad?"

"You pushed me into her arms with your constant badmouthing of me!"

"Badmouthing you?! You destroyed my life! You raped me, you hit me, you used your belt on my body, you humiliated me in front of your employees, you let me fall into the arms of your enemies because you were busy fucking your lover. And I pushed you into her arms..." She could barely hold back her tears. 

He couldn't say anything because she was right.

"Whatever! I am going to do my chores," she said, not getting anything from him.

"You stay here, it's an order!"

"When have I ever done as you say?!"

"The chores I assigned to you, I've taken them back!"

"I will do them because I can't trust you! When you rape me again, I will be in a dream state, dreaming about my life with Andrea!"

He grabbed her palm and stroked her fingers as his anger boiled within him.

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