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Chapter 50

Slowly opening her darker eyes, absorbing everything in her surroundings.  The back palm of her left hand found her ajar mouth as per costumbre when someone wakes from a deep slumber yawning. She rose on her elbows and definitely wasn't in her room. 

Here the furniture looks modern but she needs to give thanks to whoever created the bed that was super comforting. Slowly getting down from bed she found herself completely naked and the memory of the past hour ran to her head.  An enormous smile appears as her face gets blood red as she sees her image reflected on the extra large mirror.

His love sucking tiny bites then and there were adorning her frame and she took the liberty to do a pirouette to see where the mark went.

"Admiring my work wife." His voice resonated, making her flinch and take cover for an instant.

"O gosh you scared me Sinbad."

"You were so busy admiring my marks that you didn't see me here." He approached her as she left the sheet to be naked again.

"Where am I?" She asked placing her hands on his chest covered by a white camise as he played with her hair being in terrible terms down his belt. Yeah he was fully dressed as she was like has come into this world.

"You are in my house, technically our home, still in Italy. I have ordered your house to be renovated. So you will be my guest for  a couple of days. What do you say?"

"Do I have clothes here??"

"Although I prefer you like this I have bought you some clothes hope you like them?!" He draw her to the almirah on the wall opening he show the clothes picked what he likes it. Than draw her to the mirror side. 

Caressing her skin as worn every single clothe that fit her perfectly like a second skin. He was on white camise and khaki trousers so make her worn a short  khaki dress with a white jacket and nude heel. "We look perfect dressed the same, right love?" He looks for affirmation on her deep dark pool eyes. She nodded.

"But where we are going?"

"Our boy has invited us for dinner I wanted to not go after all that happened but I know you would like to be with him after all you missed our troublemaker all day." He cupped her cheeks looking through her eyes, getting lost on them for the thousand times. 

She nodded again. He left her there as his phone rang. Desolate, he went away but promised that will come soon. 

Wandering around, She saw a particular object there at the small balcony side, smiled to herself and approached thinking that will catch a foreign galactic but instead what she saw shocked her


"Sibel we are ready to go, I will turn off the phone from now on…" he was saying as met her eyes that weren't nothing amicable. From the position she was he understood why that look was.

"What mean this Sinbad?"

"I can explain Sibel!"

"Why is this telescope watching at my home?"

" For all the wrong and right reasons you are thinking that has made you mad right now." He said leaning his back to the wall.

"Sinbad this is not right I am accepting many things but to spy like this isn't correct, is…

"Is madness, is psychotic right. I know my love isn't saint Sibel cause I went through hell to become the ruthless psycho one that everyone fear when hear my name and bow otherwise I become their worse nightmare. You saw only one percent of my darkness and almost got you end up everything. I have two things that keep me Saint our boy and you. Especially you my love!" He Said as leave the wall going toward her that didn't went back at all. He encircle her waist in a tight grip and yet she didn't pushed away. 

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