Girl Meets Charlie:2

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"Why would I expect anything? If I know its bound to happen." Riley crossed her arms and smirked
"Whatever then." Maya shrugged
An hour before dinner time, everyone was just same as same as. Maya just read a magazine, while Riely and Auggie sang along to a cartoon show.
"Can I come in?" Josh barged in "Mah brother."
"My Brother." Cory said as he sipped on his juice, whilst checking papers
"Hey guys." Josh took sight of Riley, Auggie, and Maya
"Hi uncle Josh." Auggie and Riley said in unison
"Yo." Maya said, not caring
Riley rolled her eyes, knowing she'll win this bet with Maya. Meanwhile, Josh found it unusual. He found it intriguing in a sense that Maya would've more likely jumped on his head by now. Josh scratched the back of his neck, and walked over to sit by Cory.
"Guys, dinner in an hour at the Duncan's." Topanga walked in from the bedroom
"Oh, is Duncan's a new donut shop inline with Dunkin' Donuts?" Cory asked, and the girls just found it very funny
"Dad, we're having dinner at a new friend's house. Its down the hall." Riley explained
"Oh." Cory felt a bit embarrassed
Maya stood up, yawned a bit and walked over to Riley's room to check her phone. Josh got curious and followed her. Riley looked over at them and smirked, she THINKS she's winning this bet.
"Hey Maya." Josh said, making her jump a bit
"Josh, what do you want?" Maya continued on scrolling down her phone
"Uh, nothing." Josh walked over, and sat beside her at the bay window "Who are you texting?"
"My BoingFriend." Maya sighed
"Aren't you too young to have a boyfriend?" Josh questioned
"I don't have a boyfriend, a BoingFriend is someone I think who's cute and is my friend." Maya explained to him,
"Oh, and who is this BoingFriend of yours?" Josh asked, understanding what she just said
"I won't tell you, since you might tell Riley." Maya snoozed her phone off, and placed it back in her backpack
"Come on, I won't." Josh assured
"Sorry, but no." Maya grinned, and went out the room
Josh sighed, and went back to the living room.
"Did she jump at you? Flirt with you? Or anything other than those?" Riley questioned in a fast way
"No, she didn't Riley." Josh rose his hands in the air, meaning he's telling the truth
"Dang!" Riley stomped
"Why?" Josh asked
"Nothing, I jus lost a bet." Riley sighed
"You did a bet? On me?" Josh asked
"Not really, she just owed me five bucks if she ever jumps over your head." Riley said bluntly
"I was expecting the same thing though." Josh mumbled softly, but Riley was still able to hear him
"You're my uncle, you can't fall for my best friend." Riley teased, nudging Josh
"Yeah, yeah." Josh rolled his eyes
"Gabe, help fix the table will ya." Amy yelled, handing out the plates
"Yeah, yeah." Gabe fixed his hair, and looked in the mirror once more
"What are you doing?" Charlie asked
"I'm fixing my hair." Gabe told her "So, shoo!"
"What are you doing? " Toby asked
"Shoo!" Gabe said coldly
"Gabe! What are you doing?" Bob scolded
"I'm busy." Gabe ignored him
"Help out will ya." Bob turned Gabe around
"Ugh, fine." He groaned
He walked over to the kitchen, where PJ and Skyler were cooking some food of course.
"Okay food is done!" PJ announced, as he and Skyler placed the food on the table
"Great, now we'll just wait till the Mathews' come, and we'll eat." Amy said, carrying Toby to sit on his highchair
Just on time, the Matthews' knocked on the door.
"I'll get it." Teddy skipped to the door "Hi." She greeted
"Hi there Teddy." Topanga greeted back
"Topanga." Amy walked over and gave a her a quick hug
"Amy, how's your CAREER doing, eh?" Topanga aasked
"Yeah, let's not talk about that." Amy chuckled, pushing Topanga in "Come on you guys, have a seat."
"Hi Maya." Gabe squeezed in between her and Josh
"Hey Gabe." Maya smiled
"Ugh." Josh sighed, looking around
He was a bit unsure of what he's feeling, seeing Maya with Gabe mad him feel weird. Josh tried to ignore them, so he stood up and took a look around. Josh scanned the house a bit, he stopped when he bumped into someone.
"Oh, sorry." Josh looked back to see who he had bumped into
"No worries." It was Skyler, Josh's eyes grew wide, Skyler didn't see him yet since she looked down checking her phone. She looked up and was surprised to see him here. "Josh? What are you doing here?" She questioned
"I'm here with Family, your mom invited us to dinner." Josh answered casually
"Oh, Mrs. Duncan isn't my mom, she's my boyfriend's mom." Skyler corrected
"Oh." Josh nodded, now he understood their conversation at the subway
"Hey Sky I got the- Oh, hello." Teddy walked out her room
"Hi." Josh said back "I'll get going, Skyler."
Josh walked back to the living room.
"Anyway." Teddy said "I found my phone, let's go."
PJ and Amy served the food and sat down. The first serve was the Matthews then the Duncan's, as they ate, Amy and Topanga told the story on how they knew each other.
"So you're saying you guys pretended to be the 'Duncan Sisters', just to get to dance at Shake it Up?" Riley clarified
"My 'Sister'" Teddy did imaginary quotes, and looked at her mom "Had a life dream to be in TV. We were accused of impersonation, so, we had to get an attorney right away. And then we met Mrs. Matthews." Teddy explained
"It was one of the most interesting cases I had." Topanga nodded
"Mom also enters auditions, not just in Denver, but she jus has to travel all over America to get a big role." PJ added
"She even pushed me to audition, so she can have a role as well." Gabe said, and looked at Maya "I met Maya there, who threw a jelly donut at me." Gabe chuckled
Everyone else laughed, except Josh who had an annoyed face.
"It was an accident, I was bored while waiting for my mom." Maya said
Dinner was done, and everyone just had some small chit chats. Maya and Riley were with Skyler and Teddy, PJ and Gabe hung out with Josh, Auggie and Charlie played along with Toby, then Amy and Bob just had adult talk with Cory and Topanga. Conversations were made and scattered all over the house.
"I was Josh's tour guide for NYU, I saw his grades and I'm pretty sure he'll have an early enrollment." Skyler explained
"You pulled that 3 hears older on him." Riley said
"Yeah, and coz I have a boyfriend." Skyler cleared
"She's dating my brother PJ." Teddy said
"Oh." Maya and Riley said in unison
"Okay, so change topic. Maya, I seem to notice hang around a lot with the Matthews, why is that?" Teddy asked
"Meh, my mom is busy a lot so I'm usually alone with Gammy, so, I hang out around Riley's house like its my house as well." Maya answered, but Teddy found it a bit complicated to understand
"She's like the sister I never had." Riley put her hand over Maya
"Oh, then what about your Dad?" Skyler asked, and immediately Maya felt a bit uneasy
"Oooh." Riley sighed "She doesn't like to-"
"My dad left me and my mom, I never even knew him or saw what he's like. Though I know I have step siblings from him." Maya cut her off
"Oh, I'm so sorry for bringing that up." Skyler apologized
"Its fine, he's dancing with my Uncle Boing issues, and Ballerina fears in my dungeon of sadness." Maya assuered
Meanwhile at the other room.
"Aren't you too young to be a 13 year old's uncle?" Have questioned
"I was a surprise." Josh tossed the baseball around
"I know Gabe and the other three were all just surprises." PJ said, and Gabe slowly turned his head to him and glared
"You got a problem with me, Potty John?" Gabe teased, in a rude manner
"Hey, my name was changed to Patrick John ya know." PJ argued
"Potty John?" Josh sat up straight
"Our Dad messed up his birth certificate and legally named him Potty John Duncan, but we changed it a year ago to Patrick John Darth Duncan." Gabe explained
"Interesting." Josh nodded
"Guys, let's get home, come on." Cory called out
Everyone then said goodbye, and headed back to the Matthews' house. Everyone changed into their Pajamas, and went to sleep. Josh stayed in the living room, coz he felt more like it rather than in the guest room.
Midnight struck, and Josh was still wide awake. He was thinking about a lot of stuff. Such as NYU, moving into a dorm nearby or living with his brother's family, and surprisingly... Maya
Meanwhile Maya, woke up. She felt a bit parched, so she went out Riley's room to the kitchen.
"Maya." Josh whispered, startling Maya to wake up a bit more
"You've got to stop startling me like that." Maya complained, whisper-yelling, and opened the fridge to get some water
"Sorry." Josh apologized, sitting down at the bench "What are you doing up so late?"
"I'm a lite sleeper, I felt a bit parched so I went out to get some water." Maya said, getting the pitcher out, and grabbing a cup
"Oh." Was all what Josh could say
"Why are you still awake?" Maya asked, drinking up the glass of water she poured out
"I couldn't sleep." Josh sighed
"Well, try reading or listening to some music. It helps me sleep." Maya suggested, putting the pitcher back in the fridge
"Sure, I'll do that." Josh smiled
Maya smiled back "I'll get back to bed, sleep tight." She said
"You too." Josh said as Maya went back in Riley's room
Josh couldn't help but smile. He laid back down on the couch, and snuggled in the blanket.
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Hey guys! I updated! Again! Hehehe, I was so happy that comments and view came in so quickly, so I'd like to thank you guys by updating early. So anyway, this chap is more of Joshaya.... Yeah, I ship it bit... But don't worry this is still all about Brabrina :) :)
And OMG!! Did you see this story has over 700+ views and 60+ votes?
I apologize if I have any wrong spellings or grammar.
So let's have a deal, shall we? If a chap receives more than 5 comments or votes, its equivalent to a chapter. Sound good? Hehehe, let's try :D
So hit that comment comment box and vote button! If you guys have any questions or suggestions, message me. Thank you guys so much for all the support and nice comments you've left. ILY guys so!! :) :)
This is CCH and I'll see you, later! ;)

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