Chemistry - 3 ~ Unpause

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The counters where standing together, waiting for Somun to go to the airport together.

Everyone  made a long face except Jang-mul, who seemed to be very excited that  Somun was allowed to experience working with counters all over europe  and let out a chuckle, when Somun finally appeared.

"Here's  your Passport. You'll be staying at a six-star hotel and flying first  class. I know it won't happen, but call me if you're not happy with  something. I'll send you my plane."

~How about I am not happy with something. Send me a plane.

.... No.... Hana. We thought about that too many times already.

This is an important mission. Stop being selfish~

While she admonished herself in her head, Hana watched Somun embracing first the Chairman and then Mo-tak.

She quickly grabbed Somuns baggage and placed it safely like a shield between them.

Even though Hana didn't avoid certain  skinship with people close to her anymore and also often initiated it  between her and Somun, she couldn't allow him to hug her right now.

She was afraid that her feelings might overwhelm her.

Not only in front of him, but also in front of everyone else.

Hana tried to make sure, that Somun understood, that he shouldn't stay away for too long.

"Don't overwork yourself. Just do your job and come back."

As soon as Somun opened his arms wide to hug Hana, she cooly blocked him off with his suitcase.

„Back up. It's just a trip."

He seemed to have already expected a reaction like that, since he send her a warm, knowing look and made no fuzz out of it.

After Somun said goodbye to everyone and hugged the rest of them, the counters made their way to the airport.

Halfway on the road everything went chaotic.
Jeok-bong sensed an evil spirit so they ended up leaving Somun all alone somewhere along the road.

No time for getting emotional, no time for Ms. Chu and Jeok-bong to shed some tears or for Mo-tak to ruffle Somun's hair.

When their car left, Hana couldn't resist and watched Somun getting smaller and smaller in the side mirror.

Her chest suddenly feeling very heavy, but she could still bring herself to a small smile.

~Only a few months. He will be back~


Six  months later, Hana found herself in a very unexpected situation. She  was strolling around in the city, when she heard a certain piano play,  that brought back the bittersweet melancholie of her past.

After listening to it for a few moments, she was about to leave, when suddenly Dohwi approached her.

Jungjin wasn't a big city so of course that could always happen, but what a timing.

Of course he didn't recognized Hana, since she erased all memories of her, but he still seemed like he didn't want her to go.

While  giving her a flyer for his piano academy, he invited her to come to  sign up or at least listen to the concerts they where holding there from  time to time.

Hana politely listened to his offer and realized, that she clearly hadn't had any romantic feelings left for Dohwi.

She was happy, that he seemed to be doing well. And she meant it, when she said, that she was hoping to see him again.

Not intentionally, but maybe like this. Meeting by chance, seeing, that he is living a healthy and happy life.

With a smile she silently said good bye to him and to the almost romance they had when they where younger.

Somehow, this encounter made her heart feeling a bit lighter. Like she had healed a lot.

It didn't hurt that much anymore when she thought of her past.

~Somun-a, I'm doing very well~

God, did she miss him.

Somuns presence still seemed to linger all over Jungjin and Hana felt so deeply connected to him, that she often talked to him in her mind.

About  how her day was, how their Counter work was going, how their chosen  family, his grandparents and Ung-min and Ju-Yeon where doing.

She knew that it was impossible, but she sometimes even had the feeling, that he could hear everything she told him.

There  had been real video calls between the counters and Somun, but since  everyone was so busy, they have been very short and it was very frequently.

Most  of the time it was Ms. Chu talking, who wanted to know all about his  health and Jeok-bong who was showing off, how his strenght and abilities  had been improved since Somun left.

Of course Hana also said a few things here and there, but most of the time she quietly just watched him on the screen.

Seeing him chewing some coffee candies, she asumed that the youngest counter must still be stuck in lots of work.

So Hana bit her tongue to not ask him, when he would finally come back home.


It was the day of Hanul's Wedding. Everyone was excited and dressed up nicely.In the middle of the way Jeok-bong smelled evil spirits again. More than just one.

The  mood sunk and finally Mo-tak said, what everyone was thinking. "I heard  Somun-i completed his task, so why isn't he coming back? He's been  resting for too long."

The evil spirits where hanging out in the middle of a lost amusement park. Having fun with some poor civillians.

The counters and the group of evil spirits where facing each other and they where about to attack,

when Hana felt him the second the territory appeared and enlightened the park.


Her heart almost burst from happiness and she saw in Ms Chu's and Mo-tak's face that they where as ecstatic as her.

Only poor Jeok-bong didn't realize what happened, while he was busy praising himself.

What had she missed the oh so familiar voice behind her.

"How have you all been doing?"
Somun  approached them with a cheeky grin on his face.

Locking his eyes with  Hana for almost a bit too long before greeting everyone else with a smile as  well.

Hana's worries, that due to his long absence, things might be awkward or different, where blown away like the wind.

It felt like the pause button that someone had been pressed, had been released now.


I hope you are having fun with Chapter 3.
I finished it yesterday, but wasn't 100% happy with a few expressions and changed them up today. Since we are at the finale of Season 2 I need to make up my mind which way to go. I've got 2 different ideas in mind and as soon as I have figured out, what speaks more to me, I'll write it down.

It can take a few days. I have to fly to San Franciso tomorrow and be back home on tuesday, but since I also want the story to go on and see Mun and Hana together, I'll hurry up ;)

Thank you again for the comments on Chapter 2 and for liking the story. I hope it can heal a few broken Munhana hearts. I was so dejected after the last episode.

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