Trying to finish this lol

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Len's pov

All of this Fukase-Piko stuff is getting confusing. I need to get my mind off of this romance dilemma, and focus on people who I like as friends.

 After I got to my house, I started talking to Rin, my sister.

 "Hey Rin," I said "Would you like to go to the mall or something with some of our friends?" "Oh, sure. But who do I invite?" Asked Rin. "Oh, just our friends or something." I replied. "Okay," she started, "but who specifically? Like Flower, Oli, Miku, Fukas-" "No!" I interrupted, "I-I mean, just flower, Miku, and maybe Oliver is enough people." I quickly corrected. 

"Oh my god." Rin exclaimed. "You DO like Fukase!" "Not just him." I said, embarrassed. "Wait," She said, confused. "You want Oliver to come and Miku and Flower, but not... Piko?" She asked, before gasping. "You like them both!!"

"Yes." I said, still embarrassed.

"You need time away from them?" They asked. "Yeah, I do." I answered.  "Okay, I'll just ask Flower to pick us, Miku, and Oli up!" They exclaimed. "O- okay!"

*after Flower picked them up, they're now driving to Oliver's house*

Still Len's pov btw

"So," Flower started to ask. "Why don't you guys want Pik-" "shhhhh!" Rin spat. "Len needs time away from them, I know they're all going to be a cute couple soon, though!" She yelled annoyingly. "Rin! Shut up!" I yelled back. "Yeah, Rin, you need to learn about boundaries sometimes, sweetie." Flower said, calm as ever. "Okay, whatever." Rin said, rolling their eyes. 

Finally, we arrived at Oliver's house. "Hey Oliver," Flower said, calling him. "We're outside waiting for you." Oliver came out of the quickly and got in the back of the car. "Where are we going, by the way?" Oli asked. "To the mall!" Flower answered. "Oh, really? sounds fun! Let's go!" 

Unfortunately, Miku couldn't come because of her being a celebrity star or whatever. 

*smol timeskip bc I'm lazy, they got inside of the mall* 

"Woah!" Oliver exclaimed. "Where do I go?" He asked. "Where ever you want, Oli! Here's 50 bucks, don't spend it all in one place, don't shoplift anything, and don't try to buy alcoholic beverages of any kind." I answered, as they zoomed off. "Well, Rin, do you want to go to Hot Topic or something?" Flower asked. "Oh, Len, just go wherever, and we'll meet at the food court at 5:00, Kay?" She said. "Oh, that's fine." I said as they walked away. 

Anyways, I had to go to the bathroom, so I went. As I walked in I saw someone.

Oh no.


Just as I saw him, I gasped softly and he turned around to see me, and I have to say, it was a bit amusing to see his eyes widen. "L-Len, I-" he stuttered. "No." I quickly interrupted him. "I-I don't know what to do right now, and I need to process this situation." As I was thinking, he came closer. 

And closer.

Even closer,

So close. 

"May I kiss you?" He asked, nervously. "W-what the- why?! Do you like me or is this just one of your 'experiences' like with Flower!?" I yelled.

 "Len, I love you." He answered. 

"You love me? But what about Pi-?" I asked. "He.. I love him too. Do you?" He asked. "yeah, I do." I said, slightly embarrassed, but before I could say anything else, he grabbed my waist, making me freeze in place. "May I kiss you?" He asked, smiling. My face went extremely red. "Yes." I said, impulsively. 

Then we kissed. 

It was absolutely heaven. I grabbed his face and he was backing me into a wall. We broke for air, then immediately kissed again, this time he tried to lick my lips with his tongue and I let him. His tongue felt around my mouth as I opened it. We then broke apart, and he immediately started to kiss my neck and I was already unbuttoning his shirt as I started to giggle, the passion started to get to him and his hand started to touch-

"Hey Len are you in he-" said Flower. He immediately gasped. "Holy fuck." It said, emotionless. "Flower!" Fukase started, "uhh, we can explain why we uhm, we were like that just a little bit ag-." "No, I get it, it's just," they paused. "In a public place?" fae asked. "Really guys? Really?" "Okay. I get it." Fukase said begrudgingly. "Anyways, it's getting pretty late guys, I'll give Fukase a ride if you want." Flower said calmly. "Because my car has a lot of space." He assured. 

"Uhm, sure." Fukase nervously answered." 


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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