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𝗠𝗗𝗡𝗜, afab!reader, smut, p w/o p, window sex, cum eating, cock warming, kinda dubcon? idk, vouyerism, nanami special appearance? :0


"aren't you enjoying the view, beautiful?" gojo leads your head to look beyond the room of his yacht. he wanted you to enjoy the wonders that the mountains and sea of Monaco could give you. you would have enjoyed what the extravagant scenery had to offer if you weren't so busy sitting on his dick. as well as still being on dock and facing a portion of somebody else's room.

your eyes shaked as you faced ahead, scared that somebody would enter that room yet shudder in his lap, engulfed by the pleasure.

"gojo we should do this later."

"why? you scared somebody will get in the room?" you nod. your eyes glued towards the window and its outside, thinking how beyond embarrassed you would be if somebody other than gojo ever saw you. however, as he twitched inside you, you clenched around him, little grunts emerge from him as he smiles.

"but you feel so good, sweet." his slender fingers sneak around your stomach, caressing down near your belly button all the way to where the bottom part of your two piece was. undoing the string that held it together he then pushed the thin fabric aside and started to fondle lazy circles around your clit and dragged along wet kisses at the side of your neck.

"fuck me quickly and buy me something later then!" you threw your head back as you answered, dowsing in the sweet pleasure the white haired man added, maybe after this he'd buy you that odette heart prada bag that you've been dreaming of.

"anything for you princess." pushing out his length, gojo leads you all the way towards the open window.

"gojo, what if someone hears!" turning around you grazed your fingers on his plump lips, staring into his eyes as you pushed his sunglasses up.

"then we gotta keep it quick and quiet, hmm?" he whispered, reaching to your height and pulling you closer towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist, securing you in his hold. feeling his erect cock press on your pelvis and those dreamy eyes pulled you in to agree. placing a small peck on his lips you turned around, taking a hold of his shaft to push your pussy lips apart with his tip.

"fuck me then." giving him a fox-like grin you pressed onto his length. a string of moans tried to escape your lips as gojo thrust himself into your cunt, though they were stopped by his hand. muffled moans and skin clasping with each other vigorously engulfed the modern room. strings of drool began to drip on the white haired man's fingers as gojo's dick curved perfectly, hitting your sweet spot constantly making you gag around his fingers once more.

his other hand firmly caressed your back and perked up ass, making you squirm and tighten around him due to his ticklish caresses. gojo grunts at the sudden tightness and speeds up his pace, creating a ring of both your juices on the base of his cock. his balls constantly rubbed against your clit, stimulating each other's orgasms. feeling his orgasm close, gojo pulled away.

"on your knees sweet."

bending down to the ground on his order, you pushed your fingers deep in your cunt, chasing your orgasm on your own. gojo took a handful of your hair while fucking his dick with his hand, "open up pretty girl." opening your mouth you lolled out your tongue, ready to receive his cum as you locked eyes on him.

the image of you on your knees with such a lewd face pushed him to the edge, his cute girl, the one he always wanted to pamper with things and affection sent waves of pleasure to consume him with that look, white streaks started to paint around your mouth, especially on your tongue.

with his thumb he tidied around the corners of your mouth and cheeks and gestured to suck on his messy finger. obliging with a smile, you swallowed and cleaned his thumb with what was left of his creamy load.

feeling that knot in your stomach getting tighter as you played more roughly with your clit you felt your orgasm settle in, however it was interrupted by gojo's words.

"son of a bitch, nanami how long have you been standing there?" caught, just like a deer in headlights, directing your vision to your side you saw a stunning blond man placed on the door frame. just as you two made eye contact you sunk to the floor, with a red tint on your cheeks deepening.

"don't do that shit in front of my room again."

"yeah, sorry man." gojo said, not caring at all he was caught fucking someone. nanami shook his head with an eye roll and walked out of the room, however with a growing bulge printing his expensive pants.


W0RD C0UNT: 810 words


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