Overprotective - Aj

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Requested by @ghf6wc4bpyprivaterel

(I'm gonna be changing the name of the girl each time because i'm lazy 😭)

(Olivia POV)

Me and Aj have been dating for some time now. But throughout the time we've been dating, it was either he's filming, or i'm filming, or we're just chilling together. He's never introduced me to his friends and it was kinda weird.

Today was the day, i'm gonna question him on it. We were chilling watching a movie when i asked.

"Hey, when can i meet your friends?"

"Why do you wanna met them?"

"I mean, you're always with them and i've never gotten a chance to met them so why not?"

(Aj POV)

Ok, this is the reason i don't want Olivia meeting my friends. When i first met Olivia, i showed my friends a picture of her and everyone said she looked cute. Especially Kenny. Now, Kenny's the type of person to just hit and run. And i don't Olivia to go through that.

And as i got to know her more, i realise that maybe she shouldn't meet my friends, period. So i never introduced her to them. But maybe it's time for a change.

"Yeah, i introduce you to them tomorrow, ok?" i said.

Olivia's face instantly lit up. "Yeah, ok." We continued to watch the movie. All i'm thinking right now is please let nothing go wrong, wallahi.

The next day
(Olivia POV)

The next day came, yep it came. (Pause.) I was excited and nervous at the same time. What if they don't like me? What if they say he's too good for me?

I got ready for the day and went downstairs to wait for Aj. Thoughts were spinning in my head. But i had to shake them off. Not tryna act nervous for when i met them. i get a text from Aj.


i'm outside

k i'm coming
not like that


I got my keys and phone and went outside to be greeted by Aj.

"Hey, babes." i said, hugging him. Aj doesn't normally like hugs so when he hugs me, it actually really cute.

"Hey, you're looking beautiful as always. You ready to go?"

"Yeah, let's go." We got in the car and headed to the Beta House. We were playing music in the car and singing along.

A couple of minutes later and we pulled up to the Beta House. Fear instantly consumed me and i was fidgeting with me hands a lot.

"Hey, you ok? You know we don't have to this if you don't want to-" Aj insisted.

"No, there's no time like the fucking present, is there? Let's get this over with."

We got out the car and we entered the Beta House. His house was way bigger than expected. We entered the living room and everyone was there.

"Hey guys, this is Olivia. My girl." Aj introduced me.

"So this is Aj's jawn. He talks about you a lot by the way. It's good to meet you. I'm Chunkz." One guy said as he came up to me. He put his hand out for me to shake it and i did. Maybe they aren't that bad.

"Nice to meet you too." i replied smiling. Everyone on else introduced themselves, (I'm too lazy to write everyone else so pls bare with me 😭).

But when it came to this one guy, he was proper checking me out which made me bare uncomfortable.

"I'm Kenny." He said smirking and licking his lips. After i shook his hand, went to go sit next to Aj. Sharky and Chunkz went to the shops quickly to pick up some things. And Niko went to his room, so it was just me, Aj and Kenny

Aj stood up and said "Hey, i gonna go toilet real quick. I'll be right back."

"Ok." i replied and Aj left. So now it was me and Kenny left in the room. Kenny came closer to me but i moved myself away from him. I moved until i was at the end of the sofa.

i was getting really nervous. Maybe this was the reason why Aj didn't want me around his friends.

"Hey, it's ok. Aj's not here. You know you want me." He said, wrapping his arm around my waist. his grip was strong so i was trapped.

"No, i actually love Aj, and can you please get off me?" i said trying to get out of his grip.

"Hey, you don't have to lie to me. You can tell the truth."

"Kenny, are you alright? i love Aj and i wouldn't do that to him. So can you please get off me?"

"No, not until you dump Aj and get with me!"

(Aj POV)

I had finish from the bathroom and went downstairs but i wanted to listen to what they were saying. I had a bad feeling from leaving Olivia alone with Kenny.

"Hey, it's ok. Aj's not here. You know you want me." I heard Kenny say. Is this guy alright? Tryna move to my girlfriend.

"No, i actually love Aj, and can you please get off me?" i hear Olivia say. i peek over and see Kenny had his hand on Olivia's waist. i fell like intervening but i wanna see what Olivia would do.

"Hey, you don't have to lie to me. You can tell the truth."

"Kenny, are you alright? i love Aj and i wouldn't do that to him. So can you please get off me?" I love how loyal she's being to me.

"No, not until you dump Aj and get with me!" I see him lean into her trying to kiss her and this is when i draw the line.

I burst into the living room and yell.

"Yo, Kenny! What the fuck are you doing?!"

"What does it look like? She doesn't deserve you. She deserves me!"

i fell my blood boil and without thinking, i ball my fists up tight and punch him. I grab Olivia's hand and run out of the house and into my car.

"Hey, i'm so sorry about that. i didn't know that Kenny was gonna act like that."

"Aje, it's ok. You didn't know he was gonna like that. It's not your fault."

She leans in and kissed me softly. i kissed back and the whole world just stops. It's like the moment didn't happen. it's just me and her, and it feels amazing. Olivia breaks the kiss

"Now let's go back to my place and watch a movie." she suggested.

"Yeah, good idea."

A/N: I'm not sure if this is good or not, but i tried. Also any Kenny lovers, i'm really sorry 😭

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