Story 5

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Jeon Jungkook: A mafia's son

Park Jimin: An employee of a well known restaurant

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Park Jimin: An employee of a well known restaurant.

And for the fifth time Jimin's phone was ringing again and again

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And for the fifth time Jimin's phone was ringing again and again. Jimin sighed and looked at his phone. He was making breakfast for himself but he couldn't concentrate on his cooking because of this phone. Jimin knew who it could be. And that's why he was not receiving it anymore. It's not only about today it's been 1month since he was getting these types of sudden calls, messages. A random men was disturbing him. Jimin sighed again and put the spoon from his hand forcefully and looked at his phone. He then took it and received the call.
"What's the problem!" Jimin said angrily.
"Good morning sweetheart."
"Stop calling me sweetheart. I'm not your sweeheart."
"You are baby. But you don't know"
"What do actually want ha?"
Jimin sighed again cause whenever he asked this question the reply was you.
"Just stop it. The police can't do anything that doesn't mean you can find me that easily. I'm not afraid of uyou got it?"
"Hahaa.. really. But I can see you."
Jimin frowned his eyebrows.
"Wh..what do you mean!" Jimin said in a shaky voice cause this is the first time he heard it from the men.
"Yeah baby,you are cooking now. You are wearing a kitchen apron. The apron is really cute. Just like you"
Jimin's heart skipped a beat. His hands started shaking in fear. His heart sank down in fear as he got to know someone is watching him. Jimin looked around his apartment.
"What do you mean you are watching me!"
"Relax sweetheart. I'm just watching you. You don't have to worry okay!"
"Shut up. Shut the fuck dare you..who the hell are you! Why on earth you are following me! What do you want from me! Just tell me and leave me alone." Jimin said loudly while his eyes became teary.
"Nah...I will not leave you. You are mine understood! Just mine" The man said and cut the call.
"He..hello hello!" Jimin said and looked at his phone. He then threw the phone and went inside his bedroom.

Jimin was looking for cameras here and there . His mind was telling him there were hidden cameras in his apartment. He searched it on his bed, table, cupboard, inside the showeroom, in the living room,in the kitchen but he couldn't find anything. Jimin was breathing fast in fear.
"The..then how he is watching me!" Jimin said under his breath.

On the other hand, the men smiled looking at Jimin. No one knows he is the son of a mafia. And obsessed with a prettiest boy with whom he met 1month ago. Jeon Jungkook leaned his back on the chair while looking at the laptop in front of him.

 Jeon Jungkook leaned his back on the chair while looking at the laptop in front of him

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"You never looked at the ceiling baby" Jungkook said while smirking. He was watching Jimin's every move at his apartment.
Jimin somehow controlled himself and ate his breakfast. He then got ready to go for work. He checked the time and he was already late.
"Shit" Jimin cursed under his breath and headed for the restaurant where he works. Jimin got inside the bus. Heis mind was full of questions. He looked around the bus and suddenly felt like everyone was watching him even though they were not watching him. It's the fear that caught Jimin suddenly. The bus stopped in front of the restaurant and Jimin promptly got down. He went inside the restaurant while running. He then wore his uniform and was about to start his duty but the manager stopped him.
"You are 10mins late today"
"I..I'm sorry sir. Actually I was stucked somewhere "
"Do you think that your sorry can fix everything!" The manager said quite loudly and Jimin looked at down.

Jungkook tightened his fists hearing the loud voice of the manager on Jimin.
"How dare him!" Jungkook said under his breath. He was sitting inside his car in front of Jimin's restaurant.

"I'm will not happen again" Jimin said still looking at down.
The manager sighed and then left the place.
Jimin looked at his manager and he was sure he messed up. Jimin then went towards the bill pay area. His work is to receive the bills. Jimin sat down on the chair and sighed again.
Whole day Jimin was busy and Jungkook was keep watching on Jimin. He decided to teach a lesson to that manager and was waiting for a perfect time.
It was 11:30 pm and Jimin finally finished his duty. He then went inside the changing room. He was about to lock the door but someone interrupted him. Jimin's eyes were wide opened seeing his manager at the door.
"Let me come inside" the manager said and smirked.
"Wh..what do mean!"
The manager went inside the changing room and closed the door behind him.
"Why you are closing the door."
"I'm here to give you punishment. You were late today. Don't you think you deserve a punishment!"
Jimin's eyes were wide opened hearing this all. The manager started approaching towards Jimin while Jimin started walking backwards.
Jimin hit his back on the wall.
"What are you do.. doing!"
"Come know what I want. I was controlling myself from so long time. I was waiting for the day when I can finally fuck you hardly you know"
Jimin frowned his eyebrows and made a disgusting face towards the manager.
"How dare you!" Jimin said and was about to give a slap but the manager held Jimin hand.
"Don't you try okay! Otherwise I will not pay you this month."
"I don't need your payment. I'm leaving this restaurant right now" Jimin said and was about to go towards the door but the manager held Jimin's waist tightly.
"Leave me...aishhh" Jimin somehow pushed the manager and opened the door immediately. And he could see a man standing in the door wearing all black. Jimin was looking at man. He could see only his doe eyes. The men was wearing a long hoodie and mask. That's why Jimin couldn't see his face.
The man was looking at Jimin and the looked at the manager.
"Hey who are you!"
Jungkook looked at the man's hands still holding Jimin's hand.
"Leave him" the men said in a cold voice.
"Just go from here" the manager said again.
"I SAID LEAVE HIM RIGHT NOW" the man said more loudly and the manager gulped in fear and removed his hands from Jimin. Jimin was looking at the man in front of him.
"Go outside" the man said and Jimin nodded and promptly left the place.
"Who..who are you!" The manager said.
Jungkook smirked and took out a gun from behind of him.
"Your death." Jungkook said and shoot the manager with the Bullet.
"One bullet is enough for taking a life of some bustards like you". Jungkook said while looking at the death body. He then smirked.
Jimin flinched hearing the sound of the gun. He was roaming here and there while waiting for the man who saved him.
"Wh .what was that!" Jimin said under his breath while looking at the restaurant. But on that time Taehyung his best friend called him from behind and Jimin looked at him.
"Tae..." Jimin smiled. But his eyes were still teary.
"Come inside" Taehyung said and Jimin promptly went inside the car and left the place.
And Jungkook finally came out from the restaurant but didn't see Jimin anywhere.
"With whom he went!" Jungkook said and went inside his car. He then turned on the location to check where was Jimin.

See you in next part 💜

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