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- Emily has a panic attack and school and Addison picks up the pieces.

Emily POV- I wake up and immediately dread forms in the pit of my stomach. I replay the mantra "today is going to be a good day" over in my head but it does nothing to ease the anxiety the school day ahead will bring me. I'm constantly getting picked on, nothing I seem to do makes these girls stop what they are doing and sometimes I just want to give up altogether. If my mum found out I know she would be sad and try and help, it's not that I don't want to tell her it's just that I feel guilty. She's a surgeon with a well paying but very demanding job, I see her as much as possible and she always makes sure to pick me up and drop me off from school which I'm very grateful about.

I very slowly get up, everything in me is just telling me to go and tell my mum what's going on...but I don't. I don't and I'm so ashamed, I don't eat any breakfast. I already get picked on for my weight so I could shed a few pounds, it's not going to hurt anyone. My mum drives me to school but I can tell by the worry on her face that she knows something is off about me. I don't think too much of it and I hug her goodbye and walk into school with my head down and my arms wrapped around my body, forming some kind of protective shield.

I was in the bathroom during my lesson and I heard some girls enter. I hoped it was someone I didn't know but immediately could tell by the giggles it was Chloe and her group of girls. I take a breath and walk out, planning on washing my hands and leaving as fast as possible. But no that of course did not go to plan.

"Hey loser. Come here" Chloe teases I try and ignore it before I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head

"I fucking told you to come here you slut. For fuck sake just make my life easy you stupid tramp" I was surrounded by this group and I had no escape. They all took turns kicking me and punching me, some of the girls were cutting off chunks of my hair. And by the time they were done with me I was crying on the bathroom floor. Filled with shame. Immediately I picked up my phone to call my mum, praying she wasn't in a surgery.

Addison POV-

My phone was ringing on the table beside my bunk where I was trying to nap after a long surgery. I groaned and looked at the caller ID, I noticed it was my daughter so I picked up knowing exactly what she was gonna ask "what's for dinner mum". What I did not expect was my daughter having a panic attack on the other end of the line.

"Hey em, take a breath calm down and try and tell me what happened"

"I-I can't come and get me please help me please" that is all she seemed to be able to say so I immediately grabbed my car keys and informed the chief I would be taking the rest of today off, Richard loved my daughter and so when I explained the situation he told me to take tomorrow off to spend some much  needed time together. I thanked him and ran to my car and sped toward the school.

Emily POV- I was sat in the school offices chair and told them I was signing out. They didn't ask for an explanation I think they knew what had happened and they just asked me to sign my name and wait for my mum to show up.

She ran into the office like a mad woman and when she saw me I knew she found it hard. She was very brave but when I was hurt she was very emotional about it.

"Oh sweetie" she wrapped her arms round me and I buried my face into her neck letting out sobs into her. All I needed was my mum in this moment.

She walked me out into the car and it was a 2 min drive home and so when we got to the house she took me into her bedroom and immediately took me back into her arms.

"My pretty girl what happened?"

"Chloe and the group of girls. They- they have been bullying me for a while now. And I know I didn't tell you but I didn't want to bother you at work. They found me in the bathroom during class, the cornered me and all started kicking and punching me and my hair has even been cut in some places. Mum why me, I've done nothing to them. I can't cope it's so painful existing right now. I don't want to die I just want to never ever go back to that school" I sobbed, starting to hyperventilate.

"Okay baby you're having a panic attack. I'm going to take off my shirt so I'll be in a tank top and you can just listen to my heartbeat okay" I just nodded, to anyone else this was probably very strange. But to me it was my safe zone. My mum and I being skin to skin was one of the only things that helped me throughout the years, her warmth and heartbeat calming me down. I curled myself into her chest and just sobbed into her. She rocked me back and forth wrapping me up in the duvet in her bedroom. My breathing slowed and my tears slowed with it. I was still silently crying but my mum was just there, comforting me in the best way possible, not pushing me to talk, just holding me until the wave of panic had washed over me.

This is what home feels like.

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