Bad day

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Tw as always loves🤍

Emily pov- I woke up this morning with an overwhelming urge to sleep. I wasn't just physically tired, I was mentally drained. I couldn't bring myself to get out of bed, never mind go to school. I turned over and shut off my alarm, hoping my mum was already at work so I could easily skip school.

Addison POV- Emily hasn't been herself recently. So I took the day off work so I could ensure she was managing to take care of herself. I feel guilt, so much guilt for always having to work, having to leave her on her own. I mean I barely get to see my daughter nowadays, it breaks my heart more and more. I really should ask for more time off work to spend time with Emily, god knows she must be feeling unloved.

But at this moment it dosent matter, the past is the past and I have to just have to look to the future, do better for my daughter. I had just put her pancakes on the table and I realised she hasn't come down yet. I heard her alarm go off so I'd just assumed she was up and awake. I decided to go up and check just in case, I don't want her to be late for school. I quietly make my way up stairs and softly knock at her door

"Em, time for school honey, I hope your awake and dressed, I've got your pancakes on the table chick"

I got no reply. I slowly pushed the door to the cave known as my child's bedroom. I immediately saw her, still in bed, fast asleep.

I couldn't believe it, I mean come on. I walked over and sat down on the end of her bed.

"Honey get up you're going to be late."


"Seriously em get up please"

"I don't wanna go to school mum please I just wanna sleep"

"No can do babe, I'll talk more with you after school okay. But please just go to school, ya never know it might take your mind off some things?"


She begrudgingly gets up and gets changed. I leave her to it, not wanting to completely invade her privacy. Although I am worried about her.

Emily's POV-

I was on autopilot, I decided not to put up a fight and just go to school. I really didn't want to, I feel like I'm on the edge of a mental breakdown.

"Mum I'm not hungry, I'm just gonna go to school okay. I'll see you later" I kiss her cheek and leave the house quickly, I can tell she is worried, that's the last thing I want to do to her.


The first few lessons are okay, although I'm not really with it. I'm in a daze, emotionless yet I feel like I might break at any second.

The eventual break comes during a maths lesson.

"Emily Montgomery are you even listening to me!" I had zoned out, not even realising my maths teacher was talking to me

"EMILY MONTGOMERY TO THE HEADTEACHERS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY" he screamed at me. That snapped me back into reality, I felt my palms, they were all clammy and sweaty. The judgement and the stares from everyone as I left had me shrink into myself, I just wanted to cry but I looked up, blinked away any tears threatening to shed and quietly walked to the headmasters office. At this point all I wanted was my mum, I wanted to be pulled into a giant hug, curl up on her lap and have her tell me it will all be okay. I just wanted my mum, she'd fight for me.


"Emily I'm going to have to call your mother, this behaviour isn't tolerated okay. No matter what is going on I will not accept this."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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