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Throughout the rest of the day I've been spacing out trying to figure out what Cameron meant by "when I want something I get it no matter what" a million questions were going through my head. Did he like me? Was I the thing he wanted? Is he going to kil.. 'Miss Cabellio seeming as you know so much about trigonometry would you like to explain how to do it to the rest of the class' my math teacher yelled.

The whole class turned to face me making my cheeks heat up with embarrassment, but then I remembered I wasn't going to be know a shy little baby. 'If I'm correct which Im pretty sure I am, that's your job not mine' I smartly replied, mentally patting my back for standing up for myself for once I my life, a few of the boys wolf whistled and the queen bee and her posse just rolled their eyes and turned around.

Mr Magritte then began to slowly walk towards my desk, I began to feel my heart beat start to speed up. 'To the principles office now' he yelled furiously I packed my things and in the way out yelled 'gladly'
I knew how to get to the principles office because me and Cameron passed it on the way to English in the morning. When I got to the office I saw the divil himself sitting carelessly on the chair outside on his phone, as I walk closer he looks up and smirks at me 'well, well, well fancy seeing you here'


As I was waiting outside the dayum principles office again, I heard someone approach and sit opposite me, I looked up to see that smoking ass chick I showed to class this morning Eleanor.
'Well, well, well, fancy seeing you here' I state giving her my signature smirk. She just ignores me and unlocks her phone, 'first day in a new school and you already seem to have landed yourself outside the principles office, your nearly as good as me'
She just shakes her head and was about to say something when the principle walks out her office, Eleanor Cabellio' she states bluntly before walking back inside. Eleanor picks her bag up and heads inside but before she does she kneels down and whispers in seductive voice 'theres a bug difference between you and me, I'm much better' then quickly pecks my cheek before strutting into the principles office.
Dayum I don't know why but that girl just has me craving her, I need to have her I need her to be mine.


'So I hope you can understand that next time there will be more severe consequences' the boring ass principle stated after and hour of rambling on about the most irrelevant shit ever. 'Yes ma'am I'm sorry it's just been a very difficult transition from Florida' I said with the fakest smile ever. 'It's okay I totally understand, now hurry along home school ended a few minutes ago'

I jumped out of the chair and literally ran to the car park to try and catch up with Noah. I spotted our car and began to walk towards it. Knowing Noah he was probably flirting with a bunch of girls. I never have many girlfriends cuz they mostly always use me to get close to my brother, oh well I guess that's the cons of having a hot older brother.

I saw him running towards the car waving towards a group of people who looked like the "cool guys" the jocks basically. 'Why is it that people like you much better than me I mean your so weird and annoying why do people like to hang out with you' he just looks at me and smirks joining me at the front of the car 'your just to private, and mysterious, if you lightened up a little I'm sure everyone would be throwing them selfs at you, I mean who wouldn't your amazing'

I smiled warmly an looked at him 'thank you Nono' he groans 'oh come one El you know how much I hate that nick name' I jumped of the front of the at a engulfed him I a massive bear hug 'I love you El' he whispers gently 'I love you more...Nono' I replied bursting out laughing he broke the hug and looked at me seriously and flicked my forehead.

I gasped and giggled at our childish behaviour, 'get in the car mums gonna freak out if we don't get home soon' i nodded heading to the passenger seat. As i was getting into the car i noticed Cameron a few feet away with his fists clenched staring daggers at Noah. As he noticed me looking he stomped away without saying a word 'what was that about El?' I shook my head in confusion 'i really have no idea' i said before we headed home.

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