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Our tale begins on a planet third from its sun, Earth. The year is 2267. Long before this date, scientists, scholars and experts from most notable fields agreed on one thing: humanity wasn't long for this world. Back in 2065, sweeping reforms regarding climate change were implemented, but only after years of starvation in the poorest parts of the world. Long before that date, humanity's reliance on fossil fuels had heated the planet by a staggering twelve degrees. This had catastrophic effects on the ice caps, all of which began melting at a rate no expert had deemed possible, it turned out they were wrong. This great melt brought with it such devastation, the likes of which words can never quantify. Sea levels rose by seventy metres. Land that was once home to many millions was reclaimed by the oceans. Man's flood defences were grossly inadequate, but as ever, man realised its mistake far too late to prevent the inevitable. Those who were displaced faced a perilous future, many of whom never saw the great things that were to come. The world as maps once existed was now changed. It was replaced by a disfigured image of what once was. Along with this dramatic change, the stubbornness and distrust amongst governments to band together was sickening. The tenebrous relationships that previously existed crumbled utterly with the decaying and ravaged world. Most nations turned to isolationist policies, borders shut altogether in an attempt to stem the tide of chaos. Many government systems collapsed and pure anarchy took hold as violent weather ripped across the planet, which led to the death of millions. Many had hoped that by that time, humanity could have take to space and begin colonising mars for one example. Unfortunately, because of many setbacks, that plan was scrapped altogether and so hope was lost. The wealthy and rich tycoons of the world were unaffected by the dramatic changes. Whilst many helped those without, there wasn't a shortage of those who turned their backs entirely. They hid in their shelters away from the world, but the problem with that was, these were built by ordinary people with little. The rich had nowhere to hide, and those who tried were dealt with as human nature turned savage in our desperation. The lies told to generations about not worrying, or blowing the topic of climate change out of proportion, this notion destroyed our world as we knew it. Out of the murky darkness that became our world, one woman rose to the challenge of fixing it. The president of what used to be the United States, which had been renamed the United People's. The president, Karilyn Gravini, was an ambitious woman who had overcome obstacles to get to the top, she was the beginning of a new future for humanity. As the global temperatures soared, along with supplies to sustain the world's remaining populace dwindling, it seemed the end was nigh. Alas, Karilyn had a plan of her own. Using what resources the country had left, Karilyn forged a legacy that would never be forgotten by those who survive til this day.

Our world became inhospitable in vast regions. The frozen waste of Serbia was no longer frozen. Some cities boiled beneath the oppressive heat, life struggled to cling on, but not everything was lost. At the forefront of humanity has invariably been innovation, and that would prove invaluable once more. Even though the organisations such as the European Union and United Nations had collapsed totally. The leadership qualities of Karilyn Gravini brought the remaining leaders of the world together once more. Through this first gathering, it marked the turning point back towards prosperity. Despite heavy protesting in the past, genetic crops received a much closer look from the finest minds of the time. Between them, a series of hardy, reliable and consistent crops were sown. Early tests proved stable, but the world did not have time to dwell on the morality of such measures, such was the desperation of those who remained. The sixth of August, 2065. This day marked the first major changes towards restoring our planet, or at least to a small degree. A monumental effort was initiated to preserve what remained. Even though there was no hope of returning the planet back to its former glory, there was yet a slither of hope for humanity and all remaining life. Relatively swiftly, the genetically modified crops were sown and these were soon feeding what was left of the world. Even though global temperatures often fluctuated to such extreme's, humanity's steely determination of survival couldn't be broken. This was aided by old nations banding together beneath Karilyn's banner. Such was the inspiration provided by her, even staunch fools had to see logic in solidarity. By the year 2075, which was a decade after the massive changes, our world was transforming once more. Titanic sized efforts had been made planting trees, plus a plethora of other plant varieties. This was helping to bring our planet back from the brink of utter collapse, at least on the surface. Our dying planet slowly but inexorably began recovering as we headed towards 2097, which was going to be the year of massive changes for humanity yet again. Once billions of humans occupied the planet's surface, but by 2097, the total population was half of what it formerly was. The once scrapped projects of going to space were revived, but this time around, every nation would now work as one. Old prejudices were set aside, it was those old notions that destroyed our world. Karilyn wanted all people's, irrespective of creed or colour, or whatever people wished to put up as front to be brought down. Only through working together could humanity survive and perhaps move forwards. Several successful probes and unmanned missions occurred heading towards 2097. For the first time, humanity went far beyond their own solar system using the theories from old geniuses, each of whom were born far before their time. Alas, their theories lived on and great ships were named in their honours. Unfortunately for progress, there is regularly a sacrifice along the way, irrespective of whether that is foreseeable. As the United People's began preparing for the first manned mission to mars since the early twenty forties, our world was going to be changed once more. Alas, this would not be by us this time around. 

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