Chapter Two

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After an hour of solid travelling along the decrepit roads, where vast sections were gone entirely. The duo reached the outskirts of the Jura territory. The sticks that was once tree's still stood as eerie reminders of what once was. As Christoph slowly came to a halt along the cracked asphalt beneath his steps, Sabastian did the same. Christoph cast his eye over the landscape before them. "Edee, scan for movement. Also, compare the images we took last time we were here. I'm certain tree's are missing" he instructed, "affirmative" Edee replied. With that underway, Christoph turned to Sabastian and toggled his speaker. "If you're thirsty, hungry or need the bathroom. I suggest you do it now as we may not get the chance for a while" he spoke in a commanding tone, "okay" he agreed. Both Christoph and Sabastian removed their helmets as Edee continued her silent work. Even though the air wasn't exactly clean, it wasn't all that dangerous to archangels, inquisitors and those born out into the world. The duo drank, ate what they could, then relieve themselves as one remained as a sentry. Once the duo were back in their suits and helmets were secured. "You are correct in your observation. Several tree's are missing from here, here and here" Edee specified whilst flashing the pictures up before Christoph's eyes via the display. "Mmh" he sounded to himself. Experience and knowledge was vital in their environment to avoid hidden threats. Only one rakaniti could topple tree's, bargankuns. "There is no movement detected. I suggest an alternate route as a rakaniti ambush is guaranteed" Edee advised, "plot a new route" Christoph instructed. Several moments later. "Recalculated" Edee confirmed as a gps esque display in the bottom left of the visual display indicated the information. At a far slower pace, Christoph proceeded forwards and Sabastian followed closely behind. In his head, he was excited at the prospect of seeing the world. Never had he seen a map, let alone a picture of what was outside headquarters. Meanwhile, back at the paradise dome, David and Jill were now finished for the day. After getting back into the dome, which was now bustling with people going about their work. "I will give you the facts from the fictions now. Would you like a drink?" David softly spoke, "okay" Jill agreed. The duo pushed their way through the crowds back towards where the inquisitors and archangels lived. Nearby was an old style tavern, this was called Catari's. The tired pair entered the decent sized building that featured a horseshoe bar and no shortage of comfortable seating, most of which was slightly tattered but still adequately served the purpose. Dotted around were many tired inquisitors sat down having a drink after their shifts. For a very long time, alcoholic beverages were a thing of the past. However, the process to make your own was common knowledge and regularly practised by those who could get the equipment.

David and Jill took up residence on the beaten and battered wooden stools, these barely had any red fabric left to sit on. Behind the bar was an old female inquisitor called Catari. Her long white hair was tied up in a ponytail, otherwise this flowed to the middle of her back. It was her eyes that conveyed the most. A dark set of blues indicated both wisdom and tiredness, which masked the horrors she had seen over life. At a glance, Jill figured she was in her late fifties or even sixties from her soft wrinkled tanned exterior, but she also knew looks were deceiving, nor was she a good judge of age. Catari had lost her right arm in the line of duty and was retired. Smartly, she opened a bar and it had been a hotspot for the inquisitors to gather and drown their sorrows. Jill glanced to the selection of bottles behind the bar, she didn't know what a single one was. As David and Jill got seated, Catari came over to them with a smile on her face and this was directed at David in particular. "Good to see you, David. How was work today?" she enquired, "same shit, different bucket" David answered in a jovial tone and Catari chuckled. Quickly, her attention turned to Jill and the pair were introduced to one another. It was Jill first time in Catari's, she had been led to believe it wasn't wise to drink. With introductions aside. "What can I get you both?" Catari enquired, "double whiskey. Actually, make it a triple" David swiftly requested. "I guess I will have the same then" Jill blindly requested. "I will give you a single dear. You don't seem like a drinker to me" Catari pointed out before completing the order. The bar was mostly quiet, only the odd soft conversation interrupted the utter silence. With a strong drink in his left hand, David looked at Jill as she took a sip. Her eyes widened as she instantly regretted her decision, whereas David couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. She wasn't the first to make such an expression, nor would she be the last. After a quick sip of his own glass, his gaze settled onto Jill's soft expression. "Fact from fiction. The archangels have the shittiest job in the entire world. It isn't just what they have to do beyond these domes. Not a single person thanks them for their hard efforts. I remember when Dennis was discovered dead. He was Christoph's and Benji's mentor. No one paid him respect, no one cared Jill. Disgraceful, utterly so. Never have so few given so much and got so little back. Archangels have their armour and so on, but CoL don't supply them weapons. They have to adapt and survive. If you fail to do that, you will die. It's a cold world that we live in" David stated before taking another sip of his drink. Jill looked at David unsure what to think, where she hung off his every word with begging eyes for more.

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