June 3rd 300 NW

3 0 0

"Honey, Emerson doesn't exist."
"But, she said, she said..."
"I'm just telling you Emilyn, in no country exists a name like that, I'm good at geography and I looked it up."
"We can't take her home if we can't get to where she lives..."
"If that place doesn't exist..."
I hear mumblings on the other side of my door, or through the wall. They're talking about me. After a sleep I'm thinking more clearly.
Why am I in a stranger's house?! I must have really been tired out.
My door opens and Emi walks in, closing the door behind her. I notice some details on her face, blonde hair, a small nose and large round green eyes. She has childlike features, how could she be 37?
"How was your sleep Adelaide?" She asks, putting herself into perfect posture and smiling like a fake.
"It was ok, I guess," I respond.
Emi stands up to put her ear to the door.
"She's gone!" Emi mumbles in triumph.
I stare at her in silence, she talks back to me, trying to get all the information out before it's too late.
"Adelaide, you need to listen to me very carefully."

"You are NOT safe here."

"I figured it out, you are from the past, I don't know what year, but before humans got the major brain development. You are from earth. This is now the future, and you're stuck in it. It is now the year 300. Lapiz Point is a large city in Clemantime. Though I think my mom may find out and I can't let that happen. If they find out, who knows what could happen."

I take a second to let all that information in.

"I just want to go home." I say, quietly, almost a whisper.

"And, I will do all that I can possibly can to make that happen."

"Hey Girls." We whip our heads around to see Emi's mom, she is smiling coyly with her blonde hair curls, twisting with her smile. She looks like a split image of Meryl Burbank, Truman's wife.

"You should go play outside now girls."
She says, repeating that joyous, cheery, hunky dory voice and smiling so her eyes were squinted.

Emi, helps me stand up and leads me to the door,
"Ok mom," she says passively and then turns to me,
"We can go outside, in the back, okay?"
I simply nod.
As we run to the back door I notice a small notepad with a phone number and name, it was hard to make out, but it said something along the lines of P*rci**s, 345-2990.

I paid attention to the notebook until Emi, and her were outside, alone. We run to the corner of the yard until we reach a ladder hanging from a tree. She motions for me to follow her up the tree, the smooth wood, completely splinter-less and soft as I placed my hands on each bar.

The treehouse was practically empty aside from the small plastic window, beanbag chair and beige painted hooks on the walls, only a slight shade darker than the colour of the wooden walls.

"Take a seat." Emi says, motioning for me to sit in the blue bean bag chair, it is halfway comfortable. Though, I don't really care.
Emi stared pacing in circles around and around the tree house.

"My idea is," she says,
"That we get you out of here, I come with you and we try to find information. The internet says nothing, but it could only be showing recent things, we need to look at the library and look for old books,



Anything that we can use to get you home."
Emi seems proud of their plan.
"I can even explain all the things that happened since your time that I know of, on our way there so you are all catches up!"
I nod again.
"Your nods are too ominous, say something." She half demands to me.
I take a breath and speak,
"I think it's a great plan! I would love to learn, and that would be very, very helpful. Thank you."
"Ok!" She nods. "Well then without a further or due, follow me."
We quickly climb out of the treehouse, and we run as fast as we can, through the grass, to the front of her house, I don't even pay attention to anything else happening around me. Then, another person, tall and lengthy, in a lab coat, starts to run up next to me. I see Emi look back then scream,
"Adelaide RUN!"
Before I can ever process her words, the man grabs me and starts to push me towards his van.
"What's going on?" I yell.
I hear Emi cry,
"No, leave her alone! Mom!"
Her mother is standing in the doorway of their home, just staring at us. Emi sees this and looks at her with disappointment and betrayal.
"Why aren't you doing something? Do something!" She screamed with hurt and her voice and tears in her life.
"I'm sorry Emi, she responds, but I'm just protecting you. You don't know what those Earth beings are capable of, if she is who she says she is. She also could be crazy from what you know, so you should stay away from her." She says coldly, turning for the door, opening it and starting to go into the house.
"How could you?" Emi yelled.
"You'll understand one day." She responds, "I did it for your own good."
I feel my body being dragged even more until I am in the back of some van. In my shock, I barely notice the syringe being forced into my arm.

The world starts being blurry,




Until I'm out.

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