007, call me if you drown

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007, call me if you drown

" NOPE, A MILLION PERCENT NOT HAPPENING!" I get up and stand up to see the face that Jenny is giving me ( spoilers, it's not a good one).

" I've spoken to the director, he said yours and Callum's chemistry is iffy." she tells me and I roll my eyes at her words, growing more defensive by each syllable that leaves her lips.

" iffy isn't even a real word." I tell her, maybe a little bit more snarky than I am supposed to be  to the woman who is in charge of my career "so technically I can't work on something that isn't a real word."

It's bullshit, completely and utterly. But I can't say that because I'm being paid money ( and good money at that) to be here, and apparently that means to spending more time than allocated with Callum.

I thought we were alright. We shared half a box of cheerios on the counter in early hours of the morning , smiled at each other and for a few minutes I didn't think he hated me anymore. But it changed, he's been off his game with his acting — going off direction if it means he can avoid having  to touch me. Which makes me sad and eventually pissed me off so I don't even try anymore.

Which has led us to this situation. Annoyed that our dislike with each other is so evident and inflicting with our work. And also annoyed that I now have to spend the day with him, alone. I don't think we'll last an hour without ripping each other apart.

A day out is there suggestion. Into the nearby town that we went on our first day here, but I won't have the security of my fellow cast mates and it'll just be him and me. Fun.

I have no choice. Not really — this is my job and yeah I have disliked people on set before but this is worse. Me and Callum have extensive history, years where I look upon and he stands as the figurehead of the best moments. He haunts places in my mind that I now avoid. Our dislike in deep rooted and woven into our lives so much it consumes me sometimes.

" did he agree to it?" I look at Jenny with my hands folded onto my hips, to which she nods as I roll my eyes " it's all his stupid fault anyway, going off of script and stupid stuff like that." I tell her and she tilts her head.

I know what I have to do, to be the bigger person in all of this — so I look at my manager who looks fed up as I nod my head.

" fine." I grumble, exiting the room shortly after.

I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS. Spend the day in a forced proximity with the guy I'm not sure even wants to be near me. But I do, because it's currently my job.

" you look nice." I turn my head, looking at Chiara who is sat cross legged on my bed as a person emotional support before I have to leave and  I look down at what I'm wearing — it's nothing too nice.

A little blue dress that easily slips over the swimsuit that I'm wearing ( because if I'm going to be miserable today, it's going to be at the beach).

I offer a small smile " thank you." And she nods and stands, pressing her hands on my shoulders.

" you're going to be fine." she tells me and I smile at her through the inverted gaze of the mirror, " I'm sure I will, but it doesn't mean it won't be torturous."

grabbing my bag and sunglasses before me and Chiara exit the bedroom and she says goodbye and leaves me to my taster day in hell  — putting the glasses over the bridge of my nose, hiding my eyes before I roll them and inevitably piss off Callum before our day has even started.

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