017, I'll wait

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017, I'll wait

TWELVE HOURS. That's all, until I'm back on way to London. Until my mum will meet me at the airport and I'll try my hardest not to break down in her arms. I'll have to explain inevitably, how I had my best friend again and then lost him..again.

I'll go back to the city that reminds me of him and try to forget. It'll be a pointless task — I could anywhere in the world and something will remind me of him.

Still, twelve hours feels ages away as I sit on my bed, next to my already packed bags and look at a bewildered Chiara who is currently rummaging through my empty room.

" I haven't got anything to wear." I tell Chiara, as she continues to rummage through the room, looking for something to wear to the wrap party tonight. The wrap party I had decided not to go to, not wanting to draw out this process longer than I needed to.

"Chi, I packed up everything for tomorrow." I repeat as she shakes her head, whilst I sit cross legged on my bed, waiting until she gives and forgets about me even coming to the party. And she'll offer to stay with me and I'll refuse to ruin her night. And she'll go, and I'll stay and by the time she wakes up I'll be on my plane home.

And she won't mind because she's already scheduled in a week to come and visit me. Because if I want to forget anything about the lack three months, Chiara Antonelli is definitely not one of them.

" aha!" she calls, and my head lifts up. Looking as she pulls out a white paper bag from the back of the closet. My eyes widen as she toys with the ribbon to reveal the dress.

The dress I was planning on leaving behind, to officially close the chapter on me and Callum as he wants me to do. I notice Chiara lick back a wide ' I told you so' smile as she pulls does the white material of the dress.

" chi no." I shake my head, going to reach it but she pulls away and lifts it out in all of its beauty.

And beautiful it is, almost having it stuffed in my closest since the night I confronted him about it has made me forget. Although I haven't, these sleepless night I've spend I've mostly sat the bag down in front of me. Too scared to open it, as if pulling that bit of ribbon will unleash all of mine and Callum's history. Not like I'm harbouring any of it anymore. It's all out there, and it all sits in his hands. Whatever will be, whatever could be it all sits in his hands.

" what's wrong?" she asks me, obviously noticing the downturn of my lips just thinking of Callum. Never mind what I'll be like when I'm in the same vicinity as him.

I lift my hand to point at the dress " Cal brought that for me." I tell her as she shifts her eyes between me and the dress.

" when?"

I tilt my head slightly " the day before me and Drew broke up." I hum and watch as her eyes widen slightly.

Her head shakes slightly " the nerve of this boy." she tells me and my head tilts, and her brows furrow that I don't understand what she means.

" so he leaves you, and then doesn't speak to you for months and then comes here being all rude," she begins to tangent.

" and then he buys you this dress and then you tell him how you feel...and then he decides it's too late." she scoffs at the end and looks at me, and then back at the dress.

Extending her arm as she presents it to me, tilting her head with a small smile " screw him right?"

It takes me a few seconds before I nod, taking the dress from Chiara and standing up from the bed.

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