Chapter 2: Is This A Prank?

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* Elena's never had so much positive male attention so please excuse her swimming in denial.

Disclaimer: I do not own Beauty & the Beasts webcomic/novel.

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Leaving the two leopards to their fight, Elena walked into the village.

A hush seemed to happen as she stood there, face indifferent and brows furrowed in thought.

"Look at that female! I've never seen one so beautiful before!"

"So pretty!"

"Is she a mermaid? She has to be! Only the Merfolk Tribe females are said to be this beautiful!"

"Hey, does anyone else smell snake?"

"Where would a snake come from? Stupid John! Do you see a snake around here? Idiot."


"Shut up, John! You're making us look bad in front of the new female!"

"Yeah! Shut up, John!"


Elena tuned out all the males' voices, ignoring them. Her mind was more focused on the state of this little village. It looked so....old fashioned. Simple. The wooden huts looked so basic. No fancy designs or decorations. Gardens were practically non-existent and no fences in sight.

What is going around here? Where is here? Why does this place look like somewhere my great, great, great grandparents would've grown up at?

Dismissing these thoughts, Elena looked around and ignored all the admiring expressions on the males suddenly so close to her. When did they get so close? I need to stop spacing out and get some info. Like where the fuck am I?

Before she could open her mouth, the beastmen began bombarding her with questions, compliments and....proposals?

"Female! You're so beautiful! Let me be your mate!" Pleaded a short-haired leopard with one stripe on his cheek.

A wolf beastman shoved him aside. "No! Be my mate!" He stood in front of her, making puppy-dog eyes at her.

He too was shoved away by another leopard beastman.

"Beautiful female! Be with me! We'll have loads of cubs together!"

"No! She's going to be my mate!"

"As if! Why would she need you?! One-striped weakling!"

"You've got only one-stripe too, idiot!"

"Shut up! You're the idiot if you think she's gonna choose you!"

Before she knew it, a fight broke out among the large group beastmen. She even saw the two guards join in for another fight.

What the fuck is going on?! Since when do males act like this for ME of all people? No! No! Don't fall for it, Elena! They're probably just messing with me or something. Is this what they do to undesirable females in this village? Pretend to care and shower them in fake compliments? Like I'd fall for that trick again!

Thoroughly annoyed, Elena swiftly turned around and smacked right into a firm chest. Large hands steadied her, gently holding her arms.

The fuck?!

Looking up from the (muscular) chest, her purple eyes met golden ones. Her heart skipped a beat as she gazed up at this leopard beastman's handsome face. He was tall, muscular with golden eyes and golden-blonde hair. There were two stripes on his face. He looked like what she imagined a prince would look like.

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