Chapter 12 - Broken Tape

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3rd Person

"Will, wake up!" Mike shook Will, who's eyes were rolled into the back of his head.

"For fuck sake! Will!" Mike yelled at him, shaking him even harder.

"Will come on, man." Lucas whispered, grabbing onto Will's hand that was now trembling.

"W-What do you want?" Will whispered, and everyone went silent.

Every body watched him intently, wondering why the hell he can talk.

"Why can he talk? Nobody else could?" Dustin looked up at Nancy, who was still bewildered.

"Why me?" Will whispered, and a small tear drop fell down his face.

Jonathan teared up, and Mike's heart shattered.

He began to breathe even faster, and his hands were shaking horribly.

"No. No no stop it." He whispered, and the tears began to fall slightly quicker.

Nobody dared to say anything, but Mike still shook him, trying to get him to wake up.

"Stop. Stop it." Will's voice was quiet enough that only Mike could hear him.

"What is he saying?" Jonathan urged, his face panicked.

"He said 'Stop. Stop it.'" Mike told them, and they all turned their attention back to Will.

"Somebody help him!" Robin shrieked, seeing the tears steadily streaming down his face.

Lucas sighed and pulled Will towards him.

"WILL! WAKE UP COME ON MAN!" Lucas shouted, hoping he could hear him.

"WILL! PLEASE WAKE UP!" Mike decided to shout aswell, as this was probably their best option.

"COME ON, WILL!" Dustin yelled, holding Will's hand gently.

"Mike." Will whispered, and everybody's face lit up.

"Holy shit." Lucas whispered.

"Lucas, Dustin." His voice got a little louder, and they both looked at each other.

"WILL GET UP COME ON!" Mike shouted at him, hoping he would hear this as well.

"Mike." Will spoke again, and everybody was dumbfounded.

Will's eyes closed, and everybody went silent.

His eyes opened, and they were normal again.

"Fuck." Mike breathed out, pulling Will into a tight hug.

"I could hear you.." Will whispered, his face confused.

"I know! I know I can't believe it." Mike smiled, pulling away from Will and holding onto his shoulders.

"B-But how?" Will looked around at everyone, but their faces were blank.

"What was he saying to you, Will?" Nancy spoke in an urgent tone, which alarmed Will.

"What?" Will looked at her, thinking she was asking him what Mike was saying to him.

"What was Vecna saying to you?" Nancy asked him again, and Will's eyes saddended.

"He was saying we are similar." He told them all as they all listened intently.

"He was showing me times when I was.. uh, left out by.. people." Will avoided anybody's eyes.

Mike and Lucas instantly felt bad, knowing that they had left him out.

"He showed me times when I was being sensative. He said we are very alike." Will felt ashamed, and Mike instantly picked up on that.

"Hey, you know he isn't actually similar to you?" Mike spoke softly, and Will frowned.

"Well, he is isn't he." Will mumbled, and Mike sighed.

"No, he's not." Mike's voice was firm, and Will nodded reluctantly.

"Will, where is your mixtape?" Nancy asked him, and Will began to panic.

"I-I don't know." He muttered, and she went white.

"Everybody search for it. Now!" She ordered, and everybody started searching like mad.

They flung couch cushions all around the room, moving couches, while Mike held Will in his arms.

"Will, it's okay. They'll find it." He whispered, rubbing Will's back.

"What if they don't?" Will's voice shook.

"They will." Mike took Will's hand, and squeezed it gently.

"No! Fuck fuck fuck!" They heard Jonathan yell.

"What!?" Nancy ran over to him, and he held up a broken mixtape.

Will burst into tears, and everybody went silent.

"What the fuck do we do..?" Mike whispered, and Nancy just stood there.

"We can't do anything.. The best chance we have is El but I don't think she'd be able to help in time." Nancy muttered, looking down at Jonathan's hands.

Mike tightened his hands around Will's body, trying to stop him from trembling.

"No no no no." They heard Will sob, and everyone was stood in silence.

"I'm sorry." Jonathan whispered, and Will continued to cry.

"C-Can I do something..?" Will looked up at Mike, who nodded.

"What do you wanna do?" Mike smiled softly at Will, who blushed slightly.

"Can we go outside for a minute?" He whispered, and everyone looked at each other, knowing what was going to happen.

"Yeah, of course." Mike pulled Will up, grabbing his hand and leading him outside.

idk why tf im venting on watpad but i am anyway today i almost burst into tears at school cos this girl who doesn't like me sat behind me and started making fun of my lips and saying i look like a duck!!!!!!!! and i hate my lips sm!!!!!! fun times

{Word Count: 816}

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