The Call of the Woods

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Genre:  Suspense                               Rating: PG                           Author's Rating: B

Based on the prompt:

She knew hearing music in the woods at night was usually a bad sign, but it was such a pretty tune.


I stared at the clock on the wall and watched as the second hand counted ever closer to 2:37 am. I sat up and pulled the blankets back from my legs. I slid my feet into the slippers awaiting by my bedside and shrugged on a robe.

I padded out of the bedroom, careful not to wake up my partner. Their calm breath in and out let me know that they were still sleeping. I pulled the door closed behind me and walked over towards the back door.

The lock clicked softly and I pulled the door open. A cool breeze slid past me into the house, making strands of my hair dance behind me.

I stood waiting. Almost time.

I took a step forward. I held my breath, awaiting the music.

A light tinkling caught my attention and my eyes scanned the edge of the woods. It had woken me up several nights ago, calling to me. I had decided tonight to find out what it was. My partner said it was nothing and to just ignore it, but I couldn't help but think that it was a song just for me.

I stepped further from the house and towards the woods. Hearing music from the woods probably wasn't a good thing, but the notes were so pretty. I needed to hear more. I needed to get closer to hear it better.

My feet moved to the woods, meeting the edge quicker than I could have ever imagined. The tinkling was joined by a lower bass that I could only make out every so often. My heart began to beat in time with each low note.

I continued walking. I ignored the white smoke that left my mouth with each exhale. I ignored each time that my robe caught on a low branch. I ignored how I stumbled over low rocks. I ignored the fact that I was slowly losing feeling in my fingers.

Still I pressed on. Faster and faster my legs seemed to move. A slipper was left behind as I continued to push forward. The lower notes becoming more defined.

Another instrument joining the other two. A piano maybe?

Another snag at my robe made me shrug it off and leave it behind. I weaved around trees and under limbs. I didn't know how far away from the house I was. I didn't know how far into the woods I had gone.

Forward. Find the sound, was all that I could think. Why did it only call out to me?

The woods seemed to be growing darker, the music getting louder, until it stopped.

I turned around several times, blinking trying to see, to think straight, to find a way out.

Why was I here? Why was I following a random sound in the night?

'This way,' the wind whispered into my ear.

I spun towards the words. No one was there, my heart rate increased. I wiped my palms on my pants. Then I shivered. I looked down at myself. My robe was gone and I was missing a slipper. I swallowed.

'This way,' the whisper came again. I turned back around again facing the emptiness of the woods around me.

I took a step forward slowly. Do I try to find my way back? Do I stay put? Whatever I decided to do, I needed to do now. I flexed my frozen fingers.

Forward it was, then. Keep moving. I moved past several trees until a small pinprick of light in the distance made me stop. The house.

I picked up speed again, thinking about the warm bed I had left behind.

I picked up the pace, rushing forward as the light grew bigger.

"This way."

I dropped to the ground at the edge of the cliffs. My breath came out in white clouds as I tried to catch my breath.

This wasn't good. I was lost. I was so very lost.

As I looked out over the edge of the cliff, the light doubled. Two glowing orbs floated next to each other. I crawled backwards slightly as they floated up to eye level.

'Jump.' The wind dared.

I swallowed. "I... I don't want to." My voice shook.

Mist swirled around the orbs until it formed the shape of a person. My breath stopped.

"Jump." It said clearer holding out what appeared to be a hand.

"I want to go home." My vision began to blur and I swiped at several tears that had left my eyes.

"Home." The music started again and I felt my own body stand up. My feet toed the edge of the cliff. "Jump."

I leaned forward. Rocks hurtled past my eyes and I shut them tight. I couldn't breathe. The wind pushed my breath down my throat.

I jumped, sitting up in bed. I took in large gulps of air and clawed at the blankets. My partner's eyes were open, staring blankly back at me.

My eyes widened and I moved backwards, falling off the bed. A scream catching in my throat. Behind them on the wall in a red liquid were the words, 'Home.'

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