The Day My Life Turned Upside Down

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My name is Hendrick Zolomon and I am having the worst day of my life


Blue Comet dodged an arrow headed in his direction. The person with a bow was Mia Queen the Green Arrow

 The person with a bow was Mia Queen the Green Arrow

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"Mia!?What the hell?!"

Mia:Surrender Hendrick. Everyone knows you killed wally.

Hendrick was confused

"What are you talking about?"

Mia shoots an arrow and it hits Hendricks's leg. He winches in pain but pulled the arrow out.

Mia:Everyone saw the video

"What video? I don't know what you are talking about"

Hendrick turns and sees a video on the city's billboard of him killing Kid Flash. Everyone was shocked and sad.

Hendrick starts to remember what happened before

"Dad. He did this. He he swapped my consciousness with his"

Mia:Your talking out of your ass. Now surrender!

"You have to believe me Mia. I would never do that. My dad did this"

Mia fires another arrow at Hendrick but he caught it just in time. Mia runs up and tries to kick him, but Hendrick leg sweeps her causing Mia to fall to the ground. She tries to suprise attack him but Hendrick too quick and grabs her and throws her into a street sign

Hendrick then was tackled by Jesse Quick as she punches him with fury

Hendrick then was tackled by Jesse Quick as she punches him with fury

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"Jesse stop you don't know what your doing!"

Jesse:I trusted you! And you do this! I wish I never met you

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2023 ⏰

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