Chapter 13 - Kiss

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3rd Person

"What did you want to do?" Mike looked over at Will, who looked terrified.

Will turned Mike around, and gently placed his hand on Mike's cheek.

"I-Im sorry.." He whispered.

"For what?" Mike asked Will, before he leaned in and gently kissed Mike's lips.

Mike's eyes widended, but he immediately kissed him back.

They felt fireworks in their stomachs, and Will pulled away slowly.

"Y-You kissed me back?" He sounded confused, and Mike chuckled.

"Cause I love you." He blurted out, and immediately went red.

"I love you too." Will smiled softly, and Mike grinned.

"I wish I told you sooner." Will frowned slightly, and Mike sighed.

"I know." He wrapped his arms around Will's waist, which made him turn red.

"I always wanted to tell you how pretty you are." Mike whispered, and Will smiled.

"Stop it." Will blushed, which made Mike chuckle.

"I-I know it's embarrassing, but I just want to tell you something." Will looked down, and Mike frowned.

"What? What's wrong?" He asked, evidently concerned.

"I- Uh.. I have been in love with you for years.." Will mumbled, looking anywhere but Mike's eyes.

"Will, so have I." Mike admitted, and Will sighed.

"No, Mike. Like.. 8 years." He blushed immensely, and Mike's eyebrows raised.

"Will, I've been in love with you for 3 years." Mike whispered, and Will look dumbfounded.

"We wasted so much time.." He mumbled, his heart shattering knowing he would never get to be with Mike.

"It's okay, at least we told each other." Mike smiled slightly, and Will sighed.

Will gently put his arms around Mike's neck, giving him another small kiss.

"S-Sorry.." Will blushed, and Mike chuckled.

"It's okay." He smiled at Will, who smiled back.

They heard footsteps and looked over to where they came from, forgetting to move away from each other.

"Holy shit!" Lucas smiled, and Dustin gasped.

Will and Mike looked back at each other, realising they were still in each other's arms.

"Uhh.." Will blushed.

"Are you finally together?" Dustin grinned, and they saw both Will and Mike's faces fall.

"No, there's no point." Will mumbled, looking down.

"Of course there is, you should enjoy this." Lucas smiled gently, and Will looked up at Mike.

"Can you.. give us a moment?" Mike looked at them both, and they smirked and walked away.

"I know we wouldn't have long together, but do you want to be my boyfriend?" Mike looked down at Will.

"Of course." He smiled, and Mike grinned widely and gave him a tight hug.

"I love you." Will whispered, smiling softly.

"I love you too." Mike gave him a small kiss on the forehead, making Will blush.

Will wrapped his arms around Mike, resting his head on his boyfriends chest.

"I don't want to leave you.." Will whispered, and Mike frowned.

"It's okay, we will save you. I promise." Mike whispered, feeling guilty that Will has to go through all of this.

Mike pulled away from the hug, and kept his hands placed on Will's shoulder.

"I love you so much. I know I keep telling you but I jus-" Will stopped speaking.

"What? You can tell me I don't mind." Mike chuckled slightly, but Will just stared into space.

"Will? Will what are you doing?"

sorry for the short chapter lmao i just dont think that anybody is actually reading this story

{Word Count: 568}

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