Sudden adoption

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~ at Ozzie's in the lust ring ~

Asmodeus was watching fizzarolli and the acts being performed on stage unknown that something was happening outside

Outside of Ozzie's there was a baby girl crawling up a ladder to the roof and cooing which attracted a lot of demons who were recording it happening

Fizzarolli and asmodeus Heard the commotion and went outside when they look up at the roof. All of them looked a little panic

Baby girl coos and got to the edge and fell off the roof

Fizzarolli said " oh Satan! " he run side to side and eventually caught the baby " whew caught you cutie pie " he tickled the baby girl

The baby girl giggling at fizzarolli and coos

Asmodeus saw the baby girl was wearing a dirty onesie and no one was looking for her

A few minutes later at asmodeus' palace

Fizzarolli was holding the baby girl in his prosthetic arms " ohh she's so cute" sniff her " and needs a bath" fizzarolli filled up the sink and gives the baby a bath scrubbed her

Asmodeus sent a servant to get baby stuff like diapers, pacifiers, bottles, and onesies

After they dressed up the baby girl and saw a bracelet on her wrist

Asmodeus said " Oh, your name is Arabella isn't that right little girl?"

Arabella gurgled at asmodeus and fizzarolli

Fizzarolli smiled and awws at her feeling paternal instincts towards Arabella asmodeus felt the same way about Arabella

Soon a quick decision was made that asmodeus and fizzarolli would adopt Arabella as their own child and she would be a princess of lust.

To be continued...

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