First steps

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( Arabella age 13 months old)

Arabella was crawling around with a teething biscuit in her mouth

Fizzarolli said " come here sweetheart " pick her up and stood up walking a few feet away gesturing her to walk

Asmodeus starting to record this moment but saw Arabella standing up then fell on her butt" whoops up we go " picking up Arabella from the floor

They try to get her to walk but gave up for now

A few days later when they took Arabella to Ozzie's for a visit

fizzarolli was working on stage and asmodeus was watching this Arabella saw her papa fizzarolli on stage she started to stand up and begin to walk

Asmodeus gasps in surprise and recording this

Fizzarolli was telling a joke when he saw Arabella walking almost dropping the microphone and saw Arabella made it to the stage and he picked her up and continued to tell jokes,

After work asmodeus and fizzarolli brought Arabella a toy to celebrate Arabella taking her first steps.

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