Chapter 14 - The Final Vision

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3rd Person

"Will? Will what are you doing?" Mike began to panic, and he saw Will's hands begin to shake.

"Are you guys okay? What's going on?" Lucas and Dustin appeared from the back door.

Will's eyes rolled into the back of his head, and Mike began to tear up.

"No! Fuck fuck fuck!" Mike panicked, and Dustin and Lucas both immediately knew what was wrong.

"Shit! I'll go tell El!" Dustin ran inside, and Lucas went over to the both of them.

"Will, please wake up!" Mike shook Will, who was stood blankly.

"Will come on, man!" Lucas began to shake him aswell, although he knew it was no use.

They heard footsteps and they both turned around to see Nancy, Jonathan, Robin and Steve running towards them.

"No no no." They heard Jonathan mutter, as he made his way towards Will.

"Will for fuck sake, come on." Jonathan was on the other side of Mike, and soon enough everybody was surrounding the boy who was unaware of his surroundings.

"Where the hell is Eleven!?" Mike panicked.

"She's inside, s-shes helping Will." Jonathan told him, his voice breaking.

Will's POV

"I love you so much. I know I keep telling you but I just feel like I need to tell you while I still can." I told Mike.

He began to chuckle and I began to worry.

"W-What? Is something wrong?" I panicked.

"No, no, it's just funny." Mike continued to laugh.

"What's funny?" I frowned, and Mike removed his hands from my shoulders.

"That you thought I was genuinely being serious." He scoffed, and my heart dropped.

"No, no Mike." I whispered, moving away from him.

"How naive are you? You really thought I'd love a fucking queer like you!" He laughed, and I shook my head.

"No, no I'm sorry." I began to cry, and I tried to wipe away my tears.

"You're pathetic! Look at you! Crying like the fucking pansy you are!" Mike taunted me, and I could feel myself shaking.

"I'm really sorry, just please stop." I cried, and Mike slowly began to move closer to me.

"See? Crying again! It's a funny!" Mike grinned, but his mouth began to spread up his cheeks, his skin cracking and bleeding.

I screamed, and turned around to run but I heard familiar yelling.

"He's a fucking faggot, Joyce! You think I want that type of son!?" I heard my dad yell, and I felt my entire body freeze.

"Don't call him that! Pack your shit and get out of my fucking house!" I heard my mum scream at him, and I began to see my surroundings go blue.

I was back there.

Vines began spreading all up the houses, covering everywhere they could reach.

I heard Footsteps from behind me, and I turned to see Vecna stood there.

"It is time, William." He spoke gravely, and I panicked.

I began to run, I just ran and ran until my legs gave up on me and I had to collapse behind a tree.

I sat there for a minute, catching my breath, until I heard a loud screech. I looked around, but I couldn't see anything or anyone.

I got up slowly, wondering if I could see Vecna or any sign of life anywhere.

I walked around for a few minutes, before I felt myself freeze. I didn't stop moving.

"William. There is no stopping it now." Vecna spoke coldly.

"No! No no no no!" I tried to move, but my feet had been stuck to the ground.

I heard a loud thump from began me, and I felt my entire body go cold.

I got spun around, and I was faced with Vecna.

"William. Join me, and we can reshape the world." He held his claw up to my face, wiping away the tear that had fell down my cheek.

"Your insane." I spat in his face, and his eyes widened.

"Fine. I will have to do this my own way." He spoke, and I heard the same loud screech from earlier.

I looked up into the sky, and there he was. Staring right down at me. He was back in his shadow form.

"No! No please!" I began to cry, but Vecna just stood and watched.
3rd Person

Everybody was shaking Will, and his head turned to the sky.

"What the fuck is he doing..?" Mike whispered, and Lucas remembered that he hasn't seen what happens.

"Please don't look." Lucas whispered.

Mike looked at Lucas, before he felt Will slip out of his grip.

"WHAT THE FUCK!?" Mike screamed, moving back.

Mike began to cry, and Lucas pulled him into a hug.

Mike collapsed in Lucas's arms, and they both ended up sitting on the floor, not able to look at Will.

Jonathan was sobbing in Nancy's arms, and Nancy had her eyes glued onto Will.

Dustin was wrapped in Steve's arms, and Robin was also looking at Will.

Will stayed in the air, but nothing happened to him.

"Holy shit, is he surviving?" Robin whispered to Steve, who was just as confused as she was.

Mike looked up at Lucas, who was also crying and watching Will intently.

He looked up at Will, who was still in the air.

"Come on, please Will." Mike whispered, his voice trembling.

{Word Count: 890}

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