// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕚𝕗𝕥𝕪-𝕤𝕚𝕩 //

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hiraeth - part fifty-six


       Goku flew past Hit with such uncontrollable speed that he had nearly flung himself out of the arena and eliminated himself. Hit, who had no time to even activate his time skip, looked back in shock, a sense of foreboding sinking in his stomach. Goku stilled himself, trying to wrap his mind around his newfound power. Goku giggled excitedly, his anger having disappeared as he whipped around, grinning at Hit.

The fight that followed was so fast, Goku himself was almost struggling to keep up. He was flying through Hit's time skips so fast that the time skip stopped working completely. Hit was having to rely on his own strength and speed now, which Goku was quickly eclipsing the more he got the hang of his new form.

Goku slows to a stop as he floats in the air, staring down at an exhausted Hit, before looking at the palms of his hands. Goku wanted to see the true extent to his new power, smirking as he furrowed his brows. Hit's eyes widened as he watched Goku hold his palms out, a ball of energy forming. Hit stilled himself, unsure if this was an attack he could dodge.

Goku launched his kamehameha, Hit's eyes widening as he realized this was not an attack he could dodge. He launched his own beam of energy, the two beams clashing. Despite being weaker, Hit managed to just barely push back Goku's beam. Goku struggled to push Hit back, trying to push Hit over the edge. But Hit wouldn't budge, even when Goku gave it his all. Huffing, Goku suddenly disappeared, Hit panicking as his beam flew through Goku's.

Hit gasped when Goku flew straight through Hit's beam, another kamehameha powered up in the palms of his hands. Point-blank, Goku launched his attack right in Hit's face. Hit had no time to activate his time skip and dodge, being completely blown off the arena. He skid across the dirt of the empty planet, groaning in pain. It took him a few seconds to realize he had been eliminated, staring at Goku in surprise. The Saiyan chuckled as he powered down, jumping off the arena and walking up to Hit. Goku held his hand out to the man, Hit staring in shock. He had never lost before.

"You Universe 7 warriors are something else," Hit chuckled as he stood up on his own. Goku chuckled, glancing back to them. Everyone was cheering with excitement, Beerus squeezing Y/n and Vegeta tightly in a hug as he swung them around.

"It's only thanks to them I was able to get stronger. You were really fun to fight, Hit, I hope we can fight again," Goku said. He glanced back to Hit, but his eyes widened as a sudden wave of dizziness washed over him. "Oh boy, I don't feel good, I'd better go lay down. See ya later, Hit."

Goku waved as he clumsily flew off, back to his platform. Hit raised a brow, hesitantly waving back as he watched the strange man leave. Hit returned to his platform, being berated by Champa as soon as he landed. Hit sighed in annoyance as Champa went off him, threatening to erase him. Just as he did so, Vados cleared her throat, speaking up.

"My Lord, the Omni-King is here," Vados said, Whis relaying the same information to Beerus. Both Gods of Destruction suddenly cried out in alarm, looking around, mortified by his sudden and unannounced arrival. They spotted a new trio of people on the arena floor, rushing down to bow down. Goku looked on in curiosity as he and the others followed the angels down.

"Who is that?" Y/n whispered as she joined Shin's side, who was catching up. Shin shrugged his shoulders, to which he received a slap from the Old Kai.

"Are you serious boy? You don't know who that is? That's Lord Zeno, the Omni-King! He created everything and rules over us all!" The Old Kai explained, much to Shin and Y/n's surprise. The Old Kai forced them to bow before what looked to be quite the stubby and small child, even his voice childish.

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