Chapter 15 - Survived

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3rd Person

"Come on, please Will." Mike whispered, looking up at his boyfriend who was still in the air.

Without warning, Will's eyes went back to normal and he began to fall down.

Mike got up immediately and ran over to him.

"You're okay, I've got you." He cried, holding Will who was terrified and clinging onto Mike.

"You're alright, I promise." Mike wrapped his arms around Will, who was sat up against his chest.

Will began to sob, and Mike held him while crying.

"I-It's okay, you're okay." Mike spoke, but it sounded more like he was trying to convince himself then convince Will.

"Mike.." Will whispered, his voice trembling.

Everyone was rooted in place, staring as the two cried. How did Will survive?

"H-How did you survive?" Jonathan whispered, moving over to his brother.

Will shook his head, not wanting to tell anybody, and everybody instantly picked up on this.

"Will, what happened?" Nancy urged, wiping away her tears and walking towards the smaller boy.

"I-I tried to stop it-" Was all Will could get out before he cut himself off with a loud cry.

Mike looked up at Nancy, who was looking down at Will with a confused look on her face.

"Stop.. what?" She whispered which only caused Will to cry more.

"C-Come on, we're going inside." Mike told Will, who nodded slowly.

Mike helped him get up, and they both walked inside, leaving everyone absolutely bewildered.

Mike held Will's waist with one arm, unlocking the door with the other.

The both of them walked inside, which immediately caught the attention of Joyce and Hopper.

"What the hell happened?" Hopper marched over to them.

Will shook his head, not wanting to talk about it.

"Joyce, you know a-about Vecna, right?" Mike looked up at her.

"Yeah, why?" She looked down at her boy, who was still crying.

"He tried to kill Will." Mike told them both, and their jaws dropped.

"Baby, are you okay?" She whispered, and Mike let go of him so that Joyce could hug him.

Will shook his head, and Hopper stared at the two.

"Who's Vecna?" He asked, and Mike sighed.

"I'll explain to you later." Joyce told him, before turning her attention back to Will.

"Will, what happened sweetheart?" She gently held his head, pulling it off of her chest so that she could see his face.

"H-He got me, mum." Will whispered, and Joyce shared a look with Hopper.

"Who got you?" She asked him, and he shook his head.

"I-I tried to get him to stop b-but he wouldn't listen!" Will began to cry even harder, and Joyce began to seriously panic.

"Will, what happened?" Hopper urged, and Will tried to answer him but all that came out was a loud sob.

"Mike, stay with him for a minute, we need to go and talk to Jonathan and Nancy." Joyce told him, and he took Will from her.

They both walked outside, and Will turned to Mike.

"Do you have a-any food?" He whispered, and Mike chuckled.

"Yeah, of course. But I can't cook so you might have to be the one to make it." Mike blushed, and Will let out a tiny giggle.

"Okay, I might just make a quick sandwich or something." Will told Mike, and he nodded.

"Cheese?" Mike teased, and Will glared at him.

"Be quiet." Will smiled, and Mike chuckled.

"You still bave have tears on your face." Mike frowned, and he grabbed a tissue.

He got the tissue and gently wiped Wills face, removing any tears that were on his cheeks.

Will blushed immensely which made Mike giggle.

"You're so pretty." Mike whispered.

"Close your eyes, I need to get the tears from around them." Mike ordered, and Will obeyed.

Mike dabbed around Wills eyes, which made him giggle a bit.

"What?" Mike chuckled.

"It tickles." Will giggled, making Mike laugh.

Mike did a few more small dabs before throwing the tissue in the bin.

"You want me to stay with you while you make it? You might hurt yourself!" Mike teased, and Will scoffed.

"Be quiet and just stay there before I hurt you." Will rolled his eyes.

Mike giggled and leant against the wall, letting Will do his own thing.

Mike heard the door click shut, so he turned around and saw everybody stood there.

"What are you doing?" Nancy looked at them both.

"Will was hungry so he's making food." Mike shrugged, and Nancy gave him an odd look but nodded.

"We are gonna go down to the basement and discuss a plan to destroy Vecna." Nancy told him, and Mike nodded.

He looked back at Will who was chopping something, but his chops were aggressive and messy.

"You want help?" Mike spoke up.

"No." Will spoke sharply, his cuts getting more and more angry.

"Uh, are you alright?" Mike could tell something was wrong.

"Mike. Why didn't you save me?" Will's voice sounded weird.

"W-What?" Mike moved slightly closer to Will.

"Why wouldn't you save me?" Will turned his head to look at Mike, and he could tell something was wrong.

Mike looked down at Will's hand, which was tightened around the knife he was holding.

"Why didn't you save me, Mike?" Will began to walk towards him, and Mike panicked.

"Will, put the knife down." Mike spoke loudly, his voice scared.

"Mike. Why didn't you save me!?" Will walked towards Mike, who was backing away from him.

Mike hit the wall, and Will was inches away from him. He looked directly in Will's eyes, and they were blue.

"What the fuck?" Mike whispered, and Will held the knife up hovering it beside his head.

"Will. Put the knife down!" Mike yelled at him, and Will slammed the knife directly next to Mike's face, barely missing him.

"What the hell is going on!?"

guys i am so in love with sadie sink it actually hurts....

{Word Count: 999}

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