Who's she?

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The Next Day : 27-06-2023

Cody's POV

I woke up and got ready for school but something didn't seam right I mean she's was so scared while walking to hers I also saw the time when she yelled at her friend NO when she asked. So why say yes to us but say no to her friend.

At School

me and my brothers tried to find her so we can know her name and see if she okay. We finally found her and went over. "Oi whats your name" Ray asked "Oh hey you 3, oh yeah my name is-" she got cut of by a girl came running at her from behind nearly making them both fall. I grabbed the girl that I helped yesterday. "Oi Can you let go of her now" the new girl said "Sorry bout that an ways my name is Katelyn and Thank you lot so much for yesterday." Katelyn said. The new girl grabbed Katelyn and ran of with her.

After School

"Oh its raining" Cody said talking to himself. I got socked quickly. I saw Katelyn and here make-up was coming of, I was still looking at her while she was just looking up. I saw on her face that she was badly beaten up. I took my phone out and took a photo of and sent it to my brother, hopping she would tell one of us. I was walking up to her but then her girlfriend came up and dragged her to the busses. "who the fuck is she" I thought to myself.

Katelyn's POV

"Hey are you alright?" I asked "I should be asking you that" Carly said nearly yelling at me "Yeah just fell down the stairs!" I said "okay?" Carly said "Can I come over to yours" Carly asked, I said "yes" without thinking. "How about we have a movie day?" Carly asked "sure that sounds fun" I replied.

we went to the shop and got some drinks and some food and sweets. We went back to mine at went up to my room and watched a movie, I feel asleep after 30 minutes of the movie. later on Carly had to go home so I walked with her to the bus until the bus came then I went back to my house to sleep.


Cody's POV

"I've never seen that girl before, who is she?" I thought to myself. "Hey Cody about the photo you sent us" Chester said "She got pushed down the school stairs at break" Ray said. "I'm gonna try be friends with her and so are you two" Cody said "why?" Ray asked "cause I want to be friends with her" Cody said "Fine by me" Chester replied. "well today is the last chance to become friends with her before the summer!" Our mum said. "Now if you want to be her friend then you all should get to sleep. now good night" mum said "good night mum" the brothers said.

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