The Party

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AN:I only have phots of Ellie and Katelyn's outfits cause the rest wouldn't load, NOT MY PHOTOS!



Cody's POV

"Are you boys ready?" our mum asked "Yeah we're ready" Ray said. The boys came down stairs.

Ray was wearing gray shorts with a white t-shirt.

Chester was wearing blue shorts and a blue fleece.

Cody was wearing black baggy ripped jeans with a white t-shirt with a red jacket in case it starts to rain.

"aww you 3 look lovely" our mum said. "Now I won't to see some photos and I've gotten in touch with Katelyn's mum and she said it was for her to stay the night so no messing around!" mum said "mmm Katelyn shall be here soon so best behaver and I'm going out with friends tonight and you dad has work at 4am so be back in time 03:30 at the latest" mum said "yeah we know" Ray said.

Katelyn's POV

"Wow Simon you have a really nice house" Abigail said "Thanks" Simon said "Right come on lets get changed into our outfits" Ellie said. "Abigail you should go first then Simon Then I'll go then Katelyn you'll go last" Ellie said. "why do I have to go last?" I asked "cause you take the longest to changed" Abigail said "fine" I said.

Abigail was wearing a medium yellow sunflower dress with white sandals with sunflowers on it.

Simon was wearing pink shorts and a pink t-shirt and pink sandals.

Ellie's Outfit

Katelyn's outfit

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Katelyn's outfit

Katelyn's outfit

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At The Brothers House

Katelyn's POV

I walked up to the the door with the girls and Simon. I took a deep breath and rang the door bell. "Aw Hi Katelyn you look so nice" said the brothers mum "Thank you, and you look lovely too" I said. "aw thank you" said the brothers mum with a smile on her face. "Right we should get going before we're late" Simon Said. We all where walking down to the beach. "Your mum is really nice you know" I said "yeah" said the brother's. "Thanks again for letting me stat over tonight" I said while smiling. "yeah no problem" Cody said. "WAIT WHAT KATELYN WHY DID YOU NOT TELL ME YOU WHERE STAY AT A BOYS HOUSE!?" Ellie yelled at me "cause I knew you would do that" I said. Ellie then stared chasing me to the party while everyone else ran to keep up.


At The Party

"it's so load here" I yelled over the music to Cody "yeah it is" Cody yelled back. He grabbed my hand and stared running. "There we go" Cody said with a big smile on his face. he turned around a look at our hands, we where still holding hands. "are you okay your a bit red" Cody said "Yeah just feeling a bit hot" I said. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KATELYN YOU CAN'T LIKE HIM YOU HAVE A GIRL FRIEND" I thought to myself. He grabbed my hand and stared running again. "where we going?" I asked "some where" Cody said. We went five minutes away from the tent that had the party in, we where still on the beach. "Here" Cody said. "This is where I go every time that I'm at the beach at night" Cody with his smile still there. "It looks beautiful" I said.

Cody looked at me and said "The moon really brings out your eyes". I felt my cheeks getting hot. I never felt like this before. Cody walked closer to me and hugged me. "Hey my mum want's a photo is that okay?" he asked "yeah tha-" I said but got interrupted "So what are you doing here Dear brother" Said Ray. we both turned around and saw Ray and Chester. "we where trying to get a photo for mum" Cody said "mhm is that why you guys where hugging and now holding hands?" Ray said "S-shut up" Cody said while blushing. "okay Let get a photo then" Chester said. "Right Kate Get on Cody's back and then rap your arms like this and then Cody you put you head here and all done" Ray said Chester took the Photo!

"There now lets enjoy the rest of this night!" Ray said

The End

Of Book 1

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