Chapter 7

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   Isaac has never been more tired in his life. Eason had them running through the forest following the main road in efforts to get them out of town unseen. Isaac used to pride himself in being relatively fit but after this night he no longer thought that. His face was flushed, his breathing in fast pants, and he had a stitch in his side that wouldn't go away. Eason, on the other hand seemed completely unfazed save for the few strands of hair he could see starting to stick to his face due to perspiration. He knew he couldn't push Isaac any further even though he wanted nothing more than to get as far from the castle as possible. It was around midnight and the air had completely cooled from the days heat. Clumps of thick clouds rolled past the moon periodically plunging them into deep darkness within the trees. The underbrush was thick tripping Isaac's tired legs as Eason slowed his pace and veering farther into the woods. He had decided to give Isaac a few hours to rest before they would start running again come first morning light.

   Eason found a good spot to camp for the night not too far away from the road. It was a small patch of grass against a rock face surrounded by blackberry bushes making it easy to hear the rustling if an animal was near as well as effectively blocking the nighttime breeze. Isaac sighed in relief plopping himself against the rock and stretching his legs out. Eason watched the movement just for a moment before he turned round and undid his cloak. He could feel Isaac's stare on the back of his head as he shook his dark wavy hair out of his face. His hair was untamable with waves that reached the top of his shoulders. His only solution was to tie it back with the leather cord he always wore around his wrist for this purpose. Eason delayed turning round as long as he could. He could feel the stubble on his chin, the bags of his tired eyes, the pale scars that marred his skin. It was almost as if he was looking at himself from outside his own body. Eason sighed as he bundled up his cloak and turned to face Isaac. Isaac's eyes flitted around the man's face drinking in his sharp jawline, strong nose, and thick eyebrows that framed light tired looking eyes. He finally dropped his eyes to the cloak being thrusted at him by Death.

   "Use this as a pillow and get some sleep, tomorrow is going to be a long day on foot." Death's baritone voice startled Isaac as it bounced between the trees. They could not start a fire for fear of being discovered so Isaac took the cloak thankfully sending Death a small smile and a nod before fluffing the cloak and placing it behind his head. A masculine scent surrounded Isaac as the fabric of the cloak tickled the shell of his ear and his cheeks. He found the scent soothing, it was a mixture between campfire smoke and the moist earth.

   "Tomorrow," Isaac started in a sleepy voice, "will you tell me about yourself ?" Eason's breath hitched at the richness of his tone.

   "If you ask, I'll answer" Eason whispered back, heart fluttering at the small sleepy smile that crept onto Isaac's face and the way his curls surrounded his head like a clump of dandelions.

   "M'kay, goodnight" Isaac's eyes fluttered closed and Eason had decided that Isaac trusted way too easily. As Isaac slept Eason kept watch. He listened for twigs snapping, carriage wheels rumbling, the whispers of voices. None of which occurred of course but he had to stay vigilant. He was well accustomed to sleepless nights and tonight wouldn't impact his tired body any more that it already was. As the night drew on and Eason's listening ears stayed on he watched Isaac's chest rise and fall as small sounds of sleep escaped his pink lips. Isaac almost looked made from stone in the moonlight, perfect and innocent. Eason knew his life had changed forever. There was a reason he decided to risk his life to save a stranger he'd never met. He had a feeling not only was Isaac going to change his life forever, but he was going to change a whole bunch of lives. This both scared him and enticed him.

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