Part 3

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You and Felix go out to the main lobby and he shows you all the games you hadn't seen because they were pretty new. Then he takes you over to Tappers and the two of you sit down for a root beer.

"Wow." you say after one sip. "This tastes way better than Butterbeer falls Root beer." you smile a bit having gotten root beer fuzz all over your lips.

"You got a little something just there." Felix says laughing slightly as he picks up a napkin. "Here." he smiles as he hands it to you.

You take it gratefully and wipes the fuzz off your face. "Thanks." you look around the Tappers. "It's been so long since I was out of the game. I kind of forgot there was a whole other world out here."

"How long were you trapped down there?" he asks.

You shrug. "How long was Turbo in charge of Sugar Rush?"

"I don't think anyone really knows." Felix says with a shrug. "We didn't know anything was abnormal with the game."

You nod slightly. "When he first came to Sugar Rush he seemed like a nice guy. He wanted to work in the castle and he loved to race. But... he hated to lose. He had such a temper, and then suddenly everything was different. Vanellope disappeared and King Candy was born. Everyone else just accepted him and soon they had all completely forgotten what things had been like before." You shrug slightly. "He changed the coding. I was the only one he couldn't manipulate."

He nods slightly as he listens. "He's probably still in the game. He wasn't originally from Sugar Rush. If he was coded into it then he might still exist somewhere in the code." He thinks for a moment. "But why did he lock you up?"

You frowned slightly. "I was racing with the other candy cart drivers when I spun out and accidentally slid into the unfinished volcano level. That's when I saw Vanellope. Living there among the wrappers and garbage. Our princess was a glitch." You turn towards Felix. "Instead of talking to her or the other racers I confronted King Candy with the accusation that somehow I knew he was responsible for all the bad things that were happening in our world. He responded by saying I'd gone mental and locked me in the Fungeon."

Felix frowned slightly. "Well that's awful, but you're free now." He says. He looks at the time. "Oh look at the time. The arcade will be opening soon. We should head back."

You nod. "Yea. Even though I don't race much right now I should still head back."

Felix drops a few coins on the counter. "Thanks Tapper cya tomorrow."

Tapper nods and collects the coins. "I appreciate your business Felix."

Felix walks you back to the Sugar Rush game plug. As you are parting ways he pauses as if thinking about something then he shakes his head and refocuses. "Good day." He says with a half wave. "Hopefully we'll see each other again."

You nod. "And of course I look forward to it."

You go back to your world and he goes back to his game.

As he enters his game the Arcade owner comes in with a delivery person. A new arcade game with blasters attached to it. A point and click hunting game that featured three playable hunters. A female that sort of looked like Laura Croft from tomb raiders, a male that sort of looked like Indiana Jones, and a different male which looked more Tom Holland in the uncharted movie.

And after they had set that one up a different game got wheeled in. This one just says Destroyer on the side and its main goal is a lot like the game Rampage. The main play has four playable characters in a four player format. There is a cat monster, a fox monster, a rat monster, and a bull monster. The objective is to destroy the entire map and the player with the most points wins. (this is a made up game.)

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