Her Mouth's Pleasure

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Percy hits adolesence, and is introduced to the leading lady who will become the giantess for the rest of the story

As a teenager, Percy helped the local church people to set up a small Saturday evening restaurant at the church, using its coffee room under the different name of Bite Delight. For some months the restaurant was a successful venue for Christian musicians to entertain diners; and provided a chance for guest speakers to preach the word of God to an audience who might be unlikely to attend the Sunday church services. The serenity of this atmosphere was soon disrupted by a gang of teenage vandals, who did everything they could to destroy the work of the church.

There was one delightful night when they failed to put in an appearance. It seemed that they had found other pastures to pervert on this one Saturday night of reprieve, after so many awful experiences. Percy, who usually stayed indoors in the restaurant in order to avoid being bullied by the vandals, decided to talk to the people who were congregating under the moonlight in the gardens of the church. If the vandals returned that night, to keep up their weekly record of destructive achievements, he could always head for the door, as soon as he saw them coming; but for the moment he would be happy. As he approached a group of teenage boys and girls, he saw one more reason to perhaps be happier: a beautiful girl, whose incredible full shapely lips and greater height all unwittingly played up to the giantess vore fantasy which had grown much stronger in his mind with the onset of adolescence. She had a haughty confident look, which made her far more arousing than any of the other ladies who had been in his hopes and dreams in the past. The irony was that it would also most likely make her unwilling to match their friendliness and interest in him.

The girl was very pretty, and almost as tall as Jenny would probably have grown to be by that stage in his teenage life.

Ingrid Castlecove's haughty dignified penetrating beauty had an arousing glamour, which made him instantly wish that she was already in love with him and willing and able to shrink and eat him. He attempted to meet the impression she gave him with an artificially confident dignity of his own, as they exchanged their full names. (Days later, he would use the surname to find the only Castlecove of Wahroonga in the telephone book).

He reached to stroke her hair uninvited, hoping to convey a sense of bravery, but this fell to pieces, when he could think of no appropriate words with which to accompany the gesture.

"You're a little short to be attempting something so bold, aren't you?" she said with a carefree attempt to tease him.

"I like big tall girls," he said with a truth that nearly contradicted the falsity of his feigned show of confidence.

Her greater height (already six feet) would make her the most amazing giantess of all, if he was reduced to tiny size. She was already taller than him.

"I like sweets," she said, contemptuously dipping her hand into his open pocket, which she had noticed to be full of lollies.

"Have some," he offered, wondering if it had the slightest chance of impressing her.

"I intend to," she said, removing a huge handful that almost entirely exhausted his supplies. Ingrid used her free hand to put one of them into her mouth, and then transferred the rest of them to her own pocket.

The sight of her mouth receiving the lolly drove him wild, and the last thing he could do was tell her why, lest he be surely laughed out of her life.

It had been easy for girls to do things like that to him in those days. The teenage Percy had to let her take his lollies with a ninety-nine per cent certainty that it would not make the slightest improvement on his chances of attracting her.

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