Chapter 16 - Making out

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3rd Person

"What the hell is going on!?" Nancy gasped, looking at the two.

"Will. Put the knife down." Mike whispered, and Will looked at him for a second, before his eyes turned from Blue back to his regular Hazel coloured.

"Mike, what the hell are you doing?" Steve looked at the both of them.

"Shut the fuck up." Mike hissed, before turning back to Will.

"Will, do you know who I am?" Mike spoke gently.

Will looked at him for a moment, before nodding slowly.

"Okay, good. Can you tell me my name?" Mike looked at Will.

"Mike." Will didn't sound sure of himself.

"Okay, good. Do you know who that is?" Mike pointed at Jonathan, who waved slightly.

Will stared at him for a few minutes, before nodding slowly.

"Jonathan." Will spoke.

"Yeah, good. Now please can you put the knife down?" Mike asked him, and Will removed the knife from the wall and placed it on the counter behind him.

"Okay, what just happened?" Dustin muttered, and Mike shot a warning glare at him which made Dustin stop speaking.

"I think I know. Go to the basement." Mike told them all, and everybody nodded quickly before running down the basement stairs.

"Will, was it the mindflayer?" Mike looked directly in his eyes in case of a change of colour.

Will looked at him for a minute, before nodding slowly.

"Okay, I'll go and tell them." Mike smiled gently at Will.

Will looked ashamed, but nodded aswell.

They both walked down into the basement, and everybody's heads turned towards them.

"Right, uh, you all need to listen to me for a few minutes." Mike spoke up, sitting down on the couch.

Will sat down next to him, not wanting to sit too close to anybody.

"You know the way in '84 Will was possessed?" Mike looked around the room.

"What?" Robin spoke up.

"You know the mind flayer that we fought a year ago?" Nancy looked over at her.

"Yeah?" Robin raised an eyebrow.

"The mindflayer has a shadow form, and his shadow form possessed Will." Nancy explained, and Robin nodded.

"Anyway, uhm.. He possessed Will again." Mike got straight to the point, and everybody groaned.

Will shifted in his seat uncomfortably, not wanting to be there.

"Sorry." He whispered to Mike.

"What? No, love, it's not your fault." Mike whispered back, gently taking Will's hand.

Will blushed slightly and gave Mike a small smile, and Mike pulled Will closer to him.

Will rested his head on Mike's shoulder, and Mike wrapped an arm around Will's waist.

"What do we do?" Dustin looked up at Mike.

"Last time when we burnt him out of Will he just came straight back so we need to figure out a different plan." Mike told them all, and everybody nodded.

"Well what else can we do?" Lucas asked Mike.

"I don't know, but we need to figure something out." Mike looked around at everybody, and they all nodded quickly.

It was silent for a few minutes before Mike sighed.

"Does anybody have any suggestions?" He looked around, not very hopeful.

The silence that followed was the only answer he needed.

"Right then." He muttered, looking down at Will.

He was staring into space, his leg bouncing furiously and he was picking at the skin around his fingernails.

"You wanna go upstairs?" Mike whispered to him.

"We can do something fun." Mike made a stupid face which made Will giggle slightly.

Will nodded gently, and Mike grinned.

"Uh, me and Will are gonna go upstairs." Mike announced, getting up.

"Alright, just uh don't be up there for more then an hour." Nancy spoke up.

"Alright." Mike shrugged, getting up.

Mike began to walk out and Will followed him, leaving everyone sat in silence.

"They're probably going to make out." Dustin whispered to Lucas, which made them both giggle.

"What's so funny?" Nancy looked between the two of them, which only made them laugh more.

"What!" She scoffed, looking away.

"I do not like them being up there alone. I'm going up to check on them." Jonathan announced as he got up.

He stormed towards the door befor Lucas spoke up.

"Uh, you might not wanna go up just yet." He told Jonathan.

Jonathan paused and looked back at Lucas.

"And why is that?" He glared down at him, already pissed off at the thought of Mike and Will alone.

"Uh, doesn't matter." Lucas grinned, deciding not to out Will and Mike in front of everybody.

Jonathan hummed, and carried on walking up the basement steps. He opened the door and walked out into the kitchen where his mum and Hopper was.

"Hey sweetheart, what's up?" She smiled.

"Uh, did you see where Mike and Will went?" Jonathan looked at them both, and Hoppers face fell.

"They better not be doing what I think they are." Hopper spoke through gritted teeth.

"I mean they probably a-"

"I'm going to check!" Hopper announced, stomping up the stairs.

Jonathan groaned and Joyce looked at him.

"You think they are?" She raised her eyebrows at him.

Jonathan sighed and nodded his head.

Hopper stormed over to Mike's room, not bothering to knock on the door.

He burst open the door and saw Will and Mike full on making out, Will was sat on Mike's lap with his arms around Mike's neck, while Mike had his arms wrapped around Will's waist.

Hoppers jaw dropped and the two teenagers didn't even realize he had walked in the room.

"EW! WHEELER GET OFF OF HIM!" Hopper's face scrunched up, and Mike pulled away from Will, glaring at Hopper.

"I'm fine. Thank you." He sassed, and Hopper's eyes widended.

"Ha! No way. Get off of him. Right. Now." Hopper glared at Mike, who reluctantly took his arms off of his boyfriend.

"You too Byers. Just because I'm dating your mother doesn't mean I'm being nice to you." Hopper scoffed, and Will climbed off of Mike.

"Happy?" Mike scowled, making Hopper grin.

"Yes. I am. Now DO NOT EVER do that again." Hopper warned, before slamming the door shut.

Mike and Will looked at each other, before Mike pulled Will back onto him and started kissing him again.

"You think everyone knows?" Will looked at Mike, who smiled slightly.


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{Word Count: 1059}

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