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He left memory lane and ordered staff to take everything to the table and call everyone. members were taking seats when he reached the hall and upon seeing him, OMRU suddenly sat on both sides of Anika—blocking the three sides with Prinku on the other side of anika. Yes, he hates his siblings. he sat near Dadi since Badepapa was present.

Their eyes were on me looking for any change in expression. further proving the theory they planned this beforehand. but I kept my eyes on her, I wanted to see her face while she ate, what I made. She took a bite tentatively like I would mix poison in her food. She looked at me after the bite like she couldn't believe what she was eating. Even if she didn't compliment it to my face her eyes shone brightly when we stole glances at each other. It was the first smile I received after several cloudy days. It felt like water in the mouth of a dying man.

The dinner passed quietly in light chat. I also became sure that omru was planning something they stole glances at each other and snickered quietly here and there. but I promptly avoided it. after dinner girls withdrew for the night for gossip and movies and I had a meeting. 

I felt a strange sense of calm in me just by the thought of her being in my home. it was strange in every way to have this much happiness in you just by the mere presence of someone. and the fact that this someone would not be in his life for more than 3 months from now made way to a heartache that felt way more intense than what he was used to from childhood. 

sometimes he felt his heart was his biggest enemy. Giving itself away to a stranger with brown eyes that he had never seen fear in. It was always brave in the way it looked him down. never lost in any eye locks between them. It was brave in a way that he could never be. Maybe it was a punishment for saying he was heartless, just to remind him of its presence and it would be back to the silent longing after its favorite human left.

when I came out after the meeting I saw everyone in Rudra's now pink room. They were sitting in bed talking and laughing with no care in the world. Even Om was laughing loudly head thrown back and his hair hit Rudra's nose and that made him cackle more. Prinku was talking her mouth off along with her hand and expression. She had never been that confident to talk like this in front of others. But anika had encouraged her to talk more, others may not have noticed but I have seen anika giving certain smiles when she speaks, a pat on the back after talking to a stranger, a proud beam if she could tell anyone that she wants something. She has also joined a speaking club recently and talk our ear off with its stories.

Before entering I tried to capture this photo of my family in their happiest moment down to every minute detail in my mind. so I can keep it locked in the deepest part of my soul and revisit it at any given moment. 

Rudra noticed and called out loud " If you want to join the cool gang you are welcome, since you are my brother ". I looked at him but didn't step forward. he came near me and pulled me to the bed. actually closer to Anika than to him. 1he thinks he is subtle but he definitely isn't.

The night panned out till late and everyone was starting to get droopy. Anika fell asleep a little while ago on my shoulders. I am trying my best to not move much so she can sleep without any disturbance. but Rudra is looking at me with a teasing smirk. luckily Soumya distracted him with a crybaby comment and they started arguing. they are like a literal old married couple bickering all the time.

I looked at Anika, even in sleep there was a frown on her forehead like she was having a bad dream. I wanted to smooth it out but didn't dare to. Her scent was invading my senses it smelled like a divine mixture of Citrus, blackcurrant, and delicate jasmine. her hair was cradling my face, and it felt like a baby's hand. I wanted to rest my head on top of hers and nuzzle into her. I wanted to lay a single forehead kiss and pet her head till she was in deep slumber. 

It was as some great poet said 

"I can't even hold your hand, but I want you with a love none can ever understand"

I woke from dreamland with a startle when the weight from my shoulder disappeared. Her head was being held by Om and gently guided to his shoulder. He didn't even look at me and I kept my glare, for the first time in my life I was angry at my brother. Finally, he noticed me throwing daggers at him and pointed to my hands where my phone was ringing.

That's why he did that. I checked the caller ID it was Tia. I cut the call and put my phone on silent. I wanted to take her head and place it on my shoulder again. wanted to feel that warmth and weight on my side for a long time. so, he couldn't waste a single moment that was provided. for he knew how weightless he be if not for her grounding him. 

I looked back at them and he was scratching her hair like a message and her face was clear of the frown in an instant. Her face had a soft smile now and she left a peaceful sign and snuggled close to him. Om didn't even react he kept massaging with just simple glances at her but kept listening to the conversation of others. I wasn't jealous of him, I knew he saw her as a dear friend, a girl his stubborn brother liked way too much and like a beautiful soul. If this were to happen to me my heart would have beaten out of my chest and I wouldn't even get started on the teasing I would have to endure from my siblings.

But to make a fair point all the teasing and goosebumps would be worth it to have her by the side for a little while longer. my phone was bussing nonstop so I picked it up and went to my room to talk to Tia. She had been gone for her bachelor's with her friends for more than 2 weeks and guess who didn't miss her? you are most probably right on that guess. 

Time to be a perfect groom-to-be and check on his would-be wife instead of his wedding planner. What has come of his life!


hello guys,

 how are you all? I have a book suggestion for you guys and those who haven't read it please give it a chance. It's amazing. It is called " Arranged Marriage" by frannds. Thank you

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