Chapter 3

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You were sleeping your Godzilla form, that's when one of your sons came into the room. You opened your eyes and looked to him, "Godzilla Jr?" Godzilla Jr wobbles over to you, "Mama! Mama! Me and brother found a cat van and there people in there." You turn confused, "What kind of people?"

Godzilla Jr responded, "I dunno, but I think I saw a orange fur looking dude." You deadpan, 'That little-' You sigh, "I know who that orange fur looking dude is..." Godzilla Jr tilts his head, "You do, Mama?" You nodded, "Yep." You sighed and gently headpat him, "I'll go talk to the people. You and Minilla go play with each other."

Godzilla Jr smiled, "Okay, Mama!" He then wobbles away and you got up, shapeshifting to your human form.

You land on your feet and left your room. You see Minilla and Godzilla Jr leave outside to play. You saw the TEA in front of you. You crossed your arms and had a blank expression.

You then see a group of people leave the van; Sun Wukong, three humans, and two demon looking people.

You blankly stared at the group, then to Sun Wukong with an annoyed expression, "And just what do you want, Wukong?" Wukong nervously laughs, "Uh well..."

The girl whispers to him, "She doesn't seem happy to see you."

The pig guy nods in agreement.

You then noticed the glasses boy fanboying about you and writing in his notebook, "..."

You then notice red headband guy run up to you, "I'm sorry Queen of Monsters, but we really need your help." You blinked and raised a brow, "Why? Is it something important?" Wukong nervously looks away as red headband guy nodded, "Yeah. We need your help to fight the Lady Bone Demon." You turn surprised, "...Lady Bone Demon?" You looked to Wukong looking for an explanation, "Wukong..."

Wukong nervously laughed, "About that Y/n... Lady Bone Demon was freed." You clenched your fists and sighed. You looked to the group, "I need to talk to Wukong alone for a second..." The red headband guy smiled and nodded.

You grabbed Wukong by his scarf and headed to your room.

You closed the door and slightly glared at Wukong with crossed arms, "Wukong... Can't you just defeat her like you did before?" Wukong shook his head, "Yeah, but uh... Me and the group were looking for the Three Rings of Samadhi." You became very annoyed and facepalmed, "Wukong. You're an idiot. Even if you did find the Three Rings of Samadhi, what is even going to happen, hm?" Wukong retorted, "Relax, Y/n. I got this."

You sighed, "I swear if something did happen." You glared at him, "I'm going to trap you under another mountain again. You got that?" Wukong nervously smiled, "G-Got it, Ma'am."

'This boi-'

You sighed, "Anyways, I need to know who the group is." Wukong nodded. The two of you leave the room, you went over to the group who were drinking cups of tea.

You see Wukong sit next to red headband guy, but you just stood there. You tilt your head, "You guys can just call me Y/n... What is your guys name?" The Red headband grins, "I'm MK, the Monkie Kid."

He points to the girl, "This is Mei!"

Mei waves, "Hi!"

He points to glasses guy, "This is Tang."

Tang smiled and wave.

He points to the blue guy and cat, "This is Sandy and Mo!"

Sandy hands you a cup of tea to which you nodded.

You sip on the tea as Mk points to the pig guy, "And this is Pigsy!"

You nodded and finished drinking the Tea. You gave Sandy the Tea cup back, you then said, "Alright, I'll help with fighting Lady Bone Demon."

The group minus Wukong was surprised. MK gasped, "Wait, really?" You nodded with a deadpan stare, "Yes, really." MK and Mei cheered. You sigh and slightly glared at Wukong. You then said, "I'm bring my two sons along, I can't leave them alone... "

You then went to the cave entrance and hop into the water. You didn't really need to breath since yours not human, so you swam over to your sons. You then shout, "Godzilla Jr! Minilla! Come here." The two came over to you. You gently headpat them, "Okay, I want you two to be in your smaller forms, alright?" The two nodded and shape shifted into two smaller versions of themselves. You gently held their hands to help them swim back to the cave.

You three reached over and saw the group. MK looked at Godzilla Jr and Minilla, "Aww, your sons are cute, Y/n." You nodded, "These two are Godzilla Jr and Minilla." Then you guys entered the TEA, starting the way up to the surface.

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