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It wasn't long until I found myself at the club. It was my natural instinct to drive there. I know it's no secret that I don't have the best coping mechanisms. Jess knew it really well. I was upset and I knew full well what I was walking into the club for and so did she. When I walked in, Jess was wiping down tables. She turned around as the door opened and her brows furrowed.

"Harry? What are you doing here?"

I walked up to her slowly, "Just wanted to see you."

"Is that so?" She asked and crossed her arms. I hummed and put my hands on her waist to pull her closer and she put her arms around my neck.

"You just wanted to see me, huh?" she asked again.

"Maybe a few other things, too." I smile.

"Very cheeky, Harry."

"When do I get a kiss?"

"Right when you tell me whats wrong." she smiles.

I throw my head back and sigh "Why must you ruin my fun?"

She sits down at a table and motions for me to do the same, "Because you only want to hook up when somethings wrong and you want to ignore it. So, spill."

I groaned and explained the argument that the boys and I had.

"I just hate being treated like I'm something fragile that they're scared to break." I told her

"I'm not gonna lie, Harry, I was quite shocked, too. It was just surprising to hear."

"And that's why I haven't, because I knew everyone would make it a big deal." I slumped down in my seat

"Well, then why did you?"

"Because of the way she asked out of no where because she didn't know any better. It made me feel normal. She wasn't scared she was gonna break me. I liked being normal."

"Then just be normal, Harry."

"What do you mean?"

"If you like the way you feel around her, go see her, hang out with her."

"But-" I started but she cut me off

"It's not like you're gonna be dating her. You're becoming friends."

"Yeah. Ok, yeah, you're right." I sighed and she grabbed my hand

"You're not broken, Harry. You know that, and we know that, so go have fun, ok?"

"I am! Why do you think I came here?"

"You came here for sex."

"Yeah, and now I'm leaving without it." I muttered under my breath

"What was that now?" she raised her eyebrow with a smile

"Huh? What? I didn't hear anything." I smiled

"You're such an ass." she started to get up and go back to cleaning tables.

"Hey, what about my kiss?"

"Cheeky fucker." She whispered while I laughed and she came over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, madam."

"Now go, get out."

"And go where?"

"How about you go see Char?" she asked and I didn't say anything. "Come on, just try it. Making new friends is healthy."

"Fine," I got up and grabbed my keys "I'll go make new friends. Thanks for the advice, Mom."

"Oh, you didn't." She threw her rag at me while I ran out the door laughing. She hates being called anything that would suggest she's remotely older than she really is. I was already pushing it with the "madam" and "Mom" just pushed it over the edge. God, pushing her buttons is so fun.

I didn't go straight to Jess and Charlotte's place. Instead, I drove to a park, walked around a bit, texted Niall I was alright, and watched the people. There were these two kids that caught my eye, a brother and a sister. They were fighting, as siblings do, and they eventually separated. The little girl ended up asking an older boy to play and for whatever fucking reason he pushed her, and laughed. Her brother came running over to make sure she was ok. It was really sweet. Family is a crazy concept, you can fight and argue but at the end of the day, you'll still protect each other. The boys are my family, it doesn't matter what fight we get into, they will always be my family and I'll always protect them. Protect them from what I couldn't save her from. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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