Chapter 20 - it's gotten complicated

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Ichika POV

All the girls were currently gathered in Zaniri's room for our sleepover, she invited us over so we could discuss our plans for the mission, "so what's the plan?" Yuzuha asked loud enough to capture everyones attention, "well we need to capture who is behind our impersonation, according to what the guys told us a few of our men have gone missing and someone else will make the delivery" Emma explained, "so it's to catch whoever that is" Mana said, "exactly" Zaniri confirmed, "they will be three deliveries tomorrow" I said "we'll watch and strike" Zaniri said drinking yogurt, "so we'll be separated?" Nanami asked "yes and this is how it will go"

"Yuzuha and Akane you two will be placed in strategic positions and watch the transactions, feel free to take out any complications" Emma said as the two nod in agreement, "Ichika and Kiari you two just have to hack into all the security cameras around and watch alerting everyone on what the situation is" Emma informed us "the rest of us will be split into groups of two and stay close, me, Mana and Luna will handle the second while Emma, Hina and Senju will take care of the first" Zaniri explained, "And Nanami stay on standby, just in case" Hina said.

I was happy we were taking precautions to minimize risks "enough about that for tonight let's party!" Zaniri said turning on her music, we all drank a little danced and eventually went to bed.

It was the next day night time to be exact and all of us had positioned ourselves in ideal positions, me and Kiari were watching from cameras, making sure nothing slipped past us, we had already talked to our men to let them know what we would be doing.

The first man for the delivery pulled up he was from one of our biggest patronisers he sat on a bench and was waiting for our guy from Bonten to show up with the goods, a big order of white powder.

Yuzuha POV

I watched from up high as our customer took his sit to avoid drawing attention to himself, "the customer has arrived, he's on the bench" I whisper into the small microphone "good, keep watching" I heard Emma say through the device in my ear, I sighted one of our men from a distance obviously here to deliver the substances, he was walking normally with a bag, until he was stopped by a suspiciously looking stranger who had a similar looking bag on him.

"Someone shady just stopped our man move in just incase" I said adjusting myself, "he has been there for a while now I don't know why just keep your guard up" Kiari said, he started to talk but it was nothing out of the ordinary, well atleast until he pulled out a gun to shoot, "move move move he has a gun" I quickly alerted the girls, and took action shooting him in the hand so he dropped his gun, Senju and Hinata came to restrain him, while Emma told our worker to carry on like nothing happened as not to alert our customer who was still sitted, luckily all our guns had silencers so he didn't notice anything.

"Did it all work out?" I heard Kiari ask "yeah we're safe" Senju said as she shot the man's leg, Hinata gagged and tied him up, we didn't make a move until the transaction was completed, once our customer left the area we ordered our worker to load the stranger into our van while we waited for the other girls.

Akane POV

The first group had completed the task successfully without much complications, I'm hoping ours will be just as smooth.

I watched from a high place as the activities played out, our customer was at his designated position and our worker approached, unfortunately, in the blink of an eye another figure held him down, they started to struggle on the floor, meaning I couldn't take a clear shot without putting our guy in danger and that would have led to further complications "I can't take a shot you guys have to handle this one from the ground" I said into my microphone.

"No prob Ichika can you turn off the lights in that area" I heard Zaniri talk through my earphones "yeah but why?" Ichika responded, "just do it I have a plan" and in a few seconds the lights were switched off, "I'm turning them back on" Ichika said ,I couldn't see anything until they were turned on.

The stranger had two deep cuts behind his knee, it had to be Zaniri she was way too fast for her own good, after that the stranger was knocked out and the transactions were carried out normally, we got in the van and headed back to the office, "How was it?" Nanami asked all of us, "pretty okay I guess" I answered.

Author POV

After the girls had successfully completed their mission it was time for interrogation, they tied the men to two chairs and brought them down to the basement at the office "alright who's gonna ask the questions?" Emma asked the girls, they had earlier convinced the guys to let them handle the interrogation, "I will" Senju said volunteering herself, "me too" Yuzuha added, "woah look at you two being all fired up" Zaniri cooed from her sit.

After hours of torture the two men were finally ready too talk "ooh that must hurt" Zaniri chuckled as she looked at the two men, "please no more we'll talk" one of the men said "who are you and who sent you?" Senju asked as she took of her gloves, "we're the remains of Nahal's gang currently working under Kisaki Tetta" one man said "damn it that idiot is still causing trouble, so he told you too do all this?" Hinata asked "yes" the other answered, "but why?" Akane and Kiari asked "we don't know he just said it would make us more powerful" he answered "is that all you know?" Zaniri asked, "yes we swear"

"Bang!!! Bang!!!" Zaniri shot the two of them in the heads instantly killing them, "why?" Nanami asks "because they're useless now, they have no more information" Zaniri said nonchalantly as she left the basement, the others followed, "we should report our findings to the guys, but something is telling me that there's more too this plan, Kisaki won't just do something like this without a specific goal" Kiari said walking next to Zaniri, "I agree something is up it's like he's trying to distract us from something else" Emma said.

They reached the meeting room where the guys were gathered doing work, "did you find anything?" Shinichiro said acknowledging their presence, "we did, turns out it was Kisaki and the remainder of Nahal henchmen, they're responsible for this chaos" Ichika said, "funny you should mention him look what we found out" Kokonoi said turning his laptop.

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