❀ Chapter Nine - A Life-Changing Encounter ❀

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You and Izuku had been walking for some time now, and were nearly home. The two of you came to the underside of a bridge and Izuku stopped. He seemed to stare at the ground in thought for a second before turning to you.

"(Name), I've decided something." He said, "From now on, no matter what anyone else thinks, I have to believe in myself. The same way you believe in me."

You tried to smile, which was difficult with bamboo in your mouth, but Izuku could tell you were  because he saw your cheeks lift slightly and your eyes closed. He looked up and clenched his hand into a fist, looking determined.

"I'll keep smiling, just like him!" Izuku said, scrunching his eyes closed and walking ahead of you.

You stood there for a second before sauntering after him. Izuku started taking bigger steps while waving his raised fist in the air and laughing similarly to All Might. You giggled a little at his behavior, you were still a little ways away from him so he didn't hear you.

'What is that?'

You spotted some sort of weird green goop emerging from a sewer grate that was behind Izuku and in front of you. It sounded like slime, and it looked absolutely disgusting. You stopped and stared at it in shock and disgust for a moment as Izuku turned around to see what was making the weird noises.

More and more of the slime creature left the grate, it grew so tall that eventually you weren't able to see Izuku. You could still here him though, you heard him gasp at the sight of the creature before speaking.

"A-... A villain?" He said, whimpering in fear.

All you could see was goop, so you assumed the creature was facing Izuku. You were still frozen.

"You'll be a perfect skin suit for me to hide in, kid!" The villain said, you snapped out of your shock and decided you were going to run around the villain to get to Izuku.

As soon as you took the first step, the villain lunged at Izuku and engulfed him in the sludge. It only took you a couple seconds to reach where Izuku had just been... eaten?.. By the villain. Once you were there, you noticed the sludge from the villain attempting to enter Izuku's body. You ran over and started scratching at the villain with your sharp nails, trying to pry it off of Izuku.

"Don't worry, kid." The villain said to you, "I'm just trying to take over your friends body. It'll be easier for all of us if the two of you stop trying to fight. Your nails aren't even doing anything to me!"

Izuku grabbed at the sludge that was on his face as you tried to help him. You were only shaving off little bits of the goop, and they would always just be absorbed once again by the villain. You grew bigger in hopes that you would be able to take more sludge off of Izuku.

"Hey, kid with the nails, no matter how strong or big you are you can't do anything to me!" The villain said, "I'm made of fluid! HA!"

The sludge then started to stick to your hands and eventually your entire arm was almost entirely inside the goop. You pulled, leaning your entire body backwards in an attempt to free your arms and help Izuku. But no luck.

You were panicking and your brain was foggy due to fear. You were trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, but your brain was overloading. Izuku was going to be taken by this villain, and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it. You were starting to lose hope.

"You're a real hero to me, kid." The villain said, his eyes were locked on Izuku, "I didn't know he was in the city, I gotta get outta here fast!"

'He? Who's he? Someone he's got problems with? No! Focus! That doesn't help my situation at all! I need to focus on escaping!'

You noticed Izuku's grabs at the villain starting to get weaker before his arms dropped to his sides. The sludge then covered your mouth and nose and you realized you couldn't breath. Tears started to well in Izuku's eyes and you were growling at the villain, still fighting to get free.

𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙗𝙖𝙢𝙗𝙤𝙤? | bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now