Always be there for you - Chunkz

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(Ariana POV)

Today, me, Chunkz, Harry Pinero and Filly were doing mean comments. Why, you might ask? Well, for one, i wanna know what the internet thinks about me and two, i wanna support Chunkz.

Me and Chunkz have been dating for 6 months but i never really knew what internet thought of us dating so why not today.

We did our intro and got straight into it. I can't lie, i was nervous. But i wasn't nervous for myself, i was nervous for Chunkz. But let's get this over with.

The first one was for Filly. It said "Filly went from swimming to delivering." Referring to the time he was a delivery driver.

Everyone started joking about it and we were having a good time. Until there was one particular mean comment about me. It said:

"I don't know what's faker, Ariana's friendship with the Beta Squad or Ariana's relationship with Chunkz."

It felt like a bullet shot through me because not only did they violate me once, they violated me twice. And i don't know if people know but words hurt.

But i had to put a brave face on. All i'm thinking in my head is "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry." because people would just make fun you more if you cry.

Everyone went silent and looked at me. I couldn't take this anymore so i just ran out of there.

"Ariana, wait!" Chunkz yelled but i kept running. Once i was in the bathroom, i broke down into tears. I couldn't help it. Words do hurt especially when it's aimed at you.

(Chunkz POV)

We were doing the video as normal until one comment came up about Ariana. It said:

"I don't know what's faker, Ariana's friendship with the Beta Squad or Ariana's relationship with Chunkz."

I could just tell by Ariana's face it hurt her. That comment was the meanest one by far.

Ariana suddenly got up and started running. "Ariana, wait!" i yelled but she kept running.

I turned towards the camera and said.
"Nah, you man have taken it too far. I mean, we can joke about anything else, like, but that is way too far. I love Ariana and it's gonna stay that way. And if you have something to say about it, keep it to yourself because respectfully, no one cares."

I got up and went looking for Ariana. i checked everywhere for her until i found the bathroom. i gently knocked on the door and said

"Ariana, are you ok?"

(Ariana POV)

i was crying for a good couple of minutes until i hear someone knocking on the door.

"Ariana, are you ok?" I heard Chunkz say.

I unlocked the door for him and just hugged him. i didn't say anything, i just hugged him and was quietly crying. He rubbed my back to try and calm me down and i worked. i always feel safe in Chunkz's arms.

After a minute, he pulled away and kissed my forehead and said "Don't worry, that person probably doesn't have a life to be fair."

We started chuckling and i was grateful that i had Chunkz as a boyfriend. He's so caring and considerate of others and always knew how to cheer me up.

"Thanks Chunkz. You always know how to cheer me up." I say.

"Hey, don't worry about what they said. I will always be there for you."

A/N: This one is kinda short tbf, but honestly i have so much on my plate rn with school and everything. Anyways, hope you enjoy ☺️

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