The Proposal

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Her fingers trailed across the picture of the man she'd met at her club. The picture did not do him justice. She allowed her eyes to trail from the handsome man to the other people pictured with him.

There was a man that looked to be an older version of him and a woman that looked like she could run the cartel her damn self. The cartel...she meant it when she said she would not do business with them but something about him piqued her interest. She requested her PI run a report on him from birth until now. She wanted to know everything.

Her excuse was that she did that for anyone who came across as a threat or wanted to do business...that was only half true. She wanted to know who was this man that had the ability to leave her flustered in just a few short moments of interacting. That night she even dreamed of him...his head in between her thighs to be precise.

She made an excuse, though she didn't have to because those around her were not bold enough to question her. Sitting the picture down on the table she lifted her full glass of Merlot to her red-stained lips.

She watched him from her seat across the restaurant. Her glasses covered a good portion of her face but from her private seating area, it would be hard to see her anyways. Plus, he was a good distance across with too many people in between to notice her.

She watched as he sat leaning back in his chair with his legs spread apart. A smirk played on his face as he swirled his short glass of brown liquid joy.

She watched as he watched the woman across from him. The blonde touched his hand ever so light as to give a false perception of delicacy. She felt her jaw tick as she clenched it. An unfamiliar feeling began to swell inside the pit of her stomach.

She'd never been one to be jealous to know the feeling well enough to name it but if she had to guess it would be that. She felt territorial over a man she did not know. All she knew is she wanted the blonde to remove her hand from the top of his before she shot it off.

She watched as he flipped his hand over so that her hand was resting in his hand rather than on top of it. He grabbed the woman's hand and brought it to his lips that she just dreamed was on her pussy last night. Sitting her glass down, she grew tired of the exchange.

Standing to her feet she sauntered her way to his table almost immediately catching his eye as he set the blonde's hand down. She didn't care who he was with and why he was with her. It had been almost two weeks since their first meeting and she didn't perceive him as one to give up easily.

She had his full attention up until the moment she stopped at his table. The same smirk he had at her club played on his lips as he trailed his eyes up her figure. For a reason unknown to her, she was happy she chose the figure-hugging satin dress. It showed just enough to leave them guessing.

"Miss Bianchi" He greeted her standing to his feet and giving her the same hand kiss, he gave the blonde only with her it seemed his lips lingered longer than what was deemed socially acceptable.

She watched him under thick lashes as he lifted his head from the kiss. Mirroring his smirk, she slowly retreated her hand from his grasp.

"First my club, then my restaurant, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me" She joked with him...a rarity for her but natural with him. That earned her a chuckle and a little bit more than his usual smirk. She could see the dimple in his cheeks as he lifted one side of his mouth in a small smile.

"Well, Miss Bianchi I'm not sure who is stalking who, but I can assure you I wasn't aware that it was your club or that this is your restaurant" he states as he slides one hand into his pocket as his other hand held his glass.

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