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The pellets of rain were the only noise in the otherwise eerie warehouse. A heaviness hung in the stale air as the men waited for the sound that signified impending doom for the man tied and gagged to the rickety chair.

Earlier that day the man known as big mouth benny had conspired to do the one thing that would only end in death. He violated Omerta...the sacred vow of silence. Every soldier on the east coast knew better but it seems big mouth benny just couldn't do better.

Now usually it would be one of the three capos that would handle sensitive matters of this sort but big mouth benny needed to be the example. Go against the code...get taken to the slaughterhouse.

The mens ears perked and a foul smell filled the room from big mouth benny pissing his pants. He knew that sound...dreaded that sound. The clicking of her heels against the cement ground commanded attention and invoked fear. He couldn't see her but he felt her when she entered the space he was tied up in.

"Benny" her voice drawled his name out. If he wasn't tied to a chair like a pig going to the roast, he would be turned on by the voice; it was rare to hear in person. It had a slight huskiness to it like the female blues singers in the Speakeasy bars. It was low but still very feminine. There was a certain quality to it that forced you to listen to every syllable that escaped her lips.

He lifted his head to where he felt she was standing and turned his ear up. He felt a leather gloved hand raise and turn his chin.

"You violated the most sacred code in La Cosa let that big mouth of yours give you a death sentence" though she spoke the words low and unrushed he heard every one of them.

"I am judge, jury and executioner here benny. I will protect my family at all costs...that family used to include you benny and because of that you will die by my hand and my hand alone. Do you understand?" he wasn't sure if he was meant to actually respond or just listen. Out of fear of further disrespecting the Donna herself he kept silent.

As quickly as he made the choice of silence was as quick as her dainty fingers wrapped around his throat cutting off all air supply as her other hand snatched his head back by the roots.

Another hand of one of her soldiers had snatched down the cloth used to gag him allowing words to come out.

"Please my Donna...I'm sorry...forgive me I made a mistake" he begged. He knew it was no point...she would kill him either way, but he thought for a second he could appeal to her sensitive side and change his fate.

"They threatened mia famiglia...I wasn't going to tell them everything just enough for them to leave me alone long enough to get my wife and daughter back to Italy" he pleaded for her understanding. She rolled her eyes at the lies escaping bennys fat mouth.

Now big mouth benny didn't know the extent of her reach. She had eyes and ears everywhere in the east coast and boy did word travel fast when someone overheard big mouth benny bragging about a deal he had with some big shot DEA and that taking down the Donna would put him right at the top.

See big mouth benny was a low ranking soldier that still hadn't moved up in rank in the past 10 years. Avery heard other talks of him saying little black whores didn't deserve to have the rank of Donna after the Don, her godfather had died from lung cancer. She told him all that cigar smoking would catch up to him one day.

Anyways, big mouth benny ran his mouth to the wrong people who ran their mouths to their capos who then told her and here we are. Big mouth benny begging for his life from the same little black whore that didn't deserve to be his Donna.

Avery could care less about the opinions of the sheep...that's all they were to her. It held no power in her world...she was the most powerful woman on the East Coast and she'd be damned if she let some low ranking soldiers opinions matter worth a damn to her.

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