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Just in case you might be confused about the timeline, Jiraiya has died but Pain has not destroyed the leaf yet, Just in case you where wondering :)

Narutos Pov:

I rolled over on my bed, Not being able to sleep.

..it's.. 11 pm..where the hell is Sasuke?

I bit my lip a bit as my eyes shook.

..Sasuke..did you..run away again? Please tell me you didn't...

I tightened my grip on my pillow and continued looking at my front door.

"Sorry it took so long" I heard.

My eyes widened and immediately turned over.

There...I saw Sasuke in the window frame, The bright moonlight shined on him and the wind blew lightly making his hair and clothing follow the wind, It was as if...We were in a story of some kind.

He got on my bed ciss crossed and shut my window and curtains.

"Sasuke!!!" I say immediately sitting up.

He got to the end of my bed and placed his sword against the wall and took off his shoes.

"Sorry if I worried you, I just had to run and it'll be too obvious if I just ran to your place" Sasuke says.

I gave a closed-eyed smile

"It's alright...I'm just glad you're ok!" I say.

I felt movement so I opened my eyes and saw Sasuke getting underneath the blanket.

"Lay down, You need some sleep" Sasuke says.

I smiled at his careness and laid down down as well.

I yawned feeling sleepy as I snuggled in the blanket.

"Goodnight Sasuke.." I say.

I felt arms around my waist which made me feel extremely warm.

"Night." Sasuke says.

His voice was so soft and so close to my ear, I felt more warm than already as I felt his breathing on my neck.

Hm..W-why am I simping over the guy I used to hate? This isn't fair! He is turning me bisexual...

I got annoyed but closed my eyes, I fell asleep pretty quickly due to how tired I was.

《 In The Morning 》

Sasukes Pov:

I started opening my eyes due to hearing A lot of noise.

Once my eyes fully opened, I moved my eyes over and saw Naruto cooking, what smelt like breakfast.

His cooking?

I sat myself up and then stood up which caught Naruto's attention.

"Sasuke!!! Good morning" Naruto says.

"Morning." I say walking to his fridge to find something to drink.

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