The Death of My Girlfriend

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6 months later


I was going into labor and Colby and Sam rushed me to the hospital ready to give birth to our boy, I was rushed straight through to a room where Colby joined me. Sam waited outside for support for the both of us, I was in labour for an hour I gave birth to our beautiful baby boy Dorian Samuel Brock. But I felt myself drifting away after giving birth "She losing blood" I heard a doctor say. "Y/n don't leave me" Colby shouted

"Time of death 2 am"

Colby Pov

"Y/n don't leave me!" I shouted "You're going to have to wait outside," the nurse said to me, So I left the room "Colby what's going on is everything ok?"Sam asked. I turned to him "I'm losing her Sam" I cried "What about your baby boy" Sam said "He is okay thank god but what am I going to do without her" I sobbed. Sam hugged me tightly and I watched the doctors try and bring her back then I heard the machine go flat line and I lost her "Y/N NO!" I shouted. I fell to the ground and Sam was there to pick me up I couldn't stop crying, "Sam she gone " I sobbed "I know bro I'm here we got this me, you and you boy Dorian vs. world" he said.

The doctor came out and said "You can say your goodbyes now", I walked into the room with Sam and I saw her lying there stiff and lifeless. "y/n if you can hear me I love you so much I was so blessed to have you in my life, and gave me a beautiful baby boy I will tell Dorian all about you"I said. Sam said his goodbyes, that night I was allowed to take my boy home

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