United Republic of Botswana

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Flag/Battle Flag/Symbol:

Flag/Battle Flag/Symbol:

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Coat of Arms:

Government: Unitary, Dominant Party, Parliamentary Republic with an executive presidently

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Government: Unitary, Dominant Party, Parliamentary Republic with an executive presidently.

Capital and Larger City: Gaborone

Capital and Larger City: Gaborone

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Independent: 30 September 1966

Currently Year Date: 17 February 2099


- Setswana

- English

Map territory:

Population: 192,564,566

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Population: 192,564,566

Motto: "Let There be Rain"

Military: Botswana Defense Force (BDF)

Naval: Botswana Defense Navy (BDN)

Space Force: Botswana Space Force (BSF)

Leader: President

President: Tlswana Thabo


Vice President: Max Johnson

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Vice President: Max Johnson


Military Flag:

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Military Flag:

Military Symbol:

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Military Symbol:

Military Branch:

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Military Branch:

- BDF Army

- BDF Airforce

- BDF Navy

- BDF Marine Corp (Train by US Marines)

- BDF Space Force

National Anthem:

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