8.His dark side

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After listening his hyung an evil smile form in his face "good i will be down in a minute"

he said giving him a curt nod before shutting the door.

he pulled out a gun from the drawer glaring at his doll whose eyes widened noticeably flickering from the gun in his hand to his stone face, he staggered back, his mind racing with the thought of him killed by jungkook.

"it's not for you, it can never be for you , so just close that pretty mouth of yours, just go back to sleep and don't you dare to come out of this room is that clear."

he asked sternly to which Taehyung only nodded his head, giving a long look jungkook finally leave the room.


"took you long enough"

yoongi commented as jungkook took a seat on the couch in front of a trembling jaewon , he hummed in response his predatory gaze lock on his predator.

"ah! so generous of you to join us Jaewon i was starting to worry when you didn't take my calls "

jungkook said with a fake concern and warm smile which scream danger.

"you think you can run away from me?"

he thundered grabbing a fistful of Jaewon's hair yanking his head back and he whimpered in pain , a satisfying smirk plastered on his face, as he watch the pitiful form of him.

"i'm sorry, i'm really sorry forgive me please i was an idiot that i-"

his pleading was cutoff by jungkook's loud chuckle which send shiver down through his body.

"forgive? i haven't heard that word before do you know what he's saying hyung??"

he asked innocently to his brother.

"i afraid not brother"

yoongi answered disappointed and jungkook sighed heavily in reponse.

"now jaewon, what i'm gonna do with you"

he questioned thoughtfully arching his perfect brow.

"s-show me mercy p-please"

Jaewon pleaded again with tears in his eyes.

"you should have thought about that before going to Kai!!"

he bellowed at him kicking him with each word, jaewon cough out blood on the carpet beneath him.

"argh!! no!! dipshit not on the carpet its costly!!"

Jungkook said before dragging Jaewon 's body to the wooden floor.

"what did you think?? that i would let you go that easily you know there could have been a chance for you but you dare to think that Kai would save you"

jungkook spat out coldly tilting jaewon's face upward with his shoes.

" jungkook finish this fast i'm tired "

yoongi said yawning and slumping to the couch , jungkook nodded his head in approval as he also wanted to finish this fast so that he can go back to his doll.

"no,no please !!!"

he begged pathetically for his life but no emotion crossed over jungkook's face.

"Jk's rule is clear you fuck with me you die"

he said with his dark voice before shooting him in between eyes.

Jaewon's limp body fell to the ground and blood spluttered from the wound some was on jungkook's face and his white shirt which had drawn different crimson pattern,

he look at the lifeless body satisfied and smirked but everyone who were in the hall snapped their head towards the stair when the sound of something falling on the floor heard.

it was Taehyung who could feel the bile rising up in his throat at the sight of blood he should be inside the room his heart dropped seeing the lifeless body whose eyes were wide open, he didn't realize that he was crying until his vision blurred a sob escaped from his lips, but all the sympathy for the man turn into fear when he spot jungkook coming upstair his dark eyes glaring as he gritted his jaw.

" i told you not to come out right"


"Hello readers, hope you all are fine ,and happy out their so sorry for any grammatical 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ mistake and if you like the chapter then vote it , if not then don't .

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