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I sat in silence as Olly drove back to the house, staring at my phone, which was down to 5%. The notifications screen was filled with missed calls and messages from Nick.

I considered sending him a quick text, but we were already pulling into the driveway, so I decided to wait.

"Is that Nick's car?" Olly muttered, his eyes darting to the front of the house.

I looked out the window just in time to see Nick's Porsche pulling out of the driveway. He was alone in the car. The moment he saw us, he slammed on the brakes.

Olly rolled down his window just as Nick did the same.

"Jesus Christ, she's not back yet," Nick said in a rush, the stress in his voice making my stomach churn. I hated that I was the cause of it.

"She's in the back, Nick. She's okay," Olly reassured him.

"Baby?" Nick called out, his voice softer now.

I leaned forward between the seats. "I'm here, Nick. I'm so sorry."

I watched as he relaxed back in his seat, running a hand over his face. "Fuck."

"Let's go inside," James suggested, sensing the tension. "It's been a long day."

Nick reversed the car back into the driveway as I noticed the lights flick on in the front room. The boys were at the window, Kate standing behind them.

By the time Olly parked, I stepped out of the car and was immediately met by Joseph, who threw his arms around me.

"We were so worried, Mama," he whispered, burying his face in my chest.

I stroked his back softly. "I'm sorry I made you all worry. Mama just needed some time."

"That's what Dad said," Lucas added, joining the hug, "but he's been really snappy."

I glanced up just in time to see Nick rubbing the back of his neck as he headed into the house.

"Alright, boys," I said, gently pulling away. "I think it's time for bed. Your uncles are staying the night, so you can sleep in the big room."

Their eyes lit up instantly. "Really? Does that mean we can stay up and play games?" Lucas asked excitedly.

"Maybe just a movie," James chimed in, surprisingly.

They nodded eagerly and ran inside, leaving me standing outside, watching them.

Before I went inside, I quickly sent a message to Hannah:

Thank you for tonight, Haan. I'm really sorry for earlier. You know how much I love and appreciate your support. Let's grab coffee tomorrow morning?

I hoped she'd be in a forgiving mood.

I finally summoned the courage to walk into the house. Kate was waiting near the door and handed me a glass of water. "Are you alright, Selene?" she asked gently.

I took the glass and smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you."

"You can head off. I'll be taking a day off tomorrow too," I added.

"Call me if you need anything," Kate said, offering me a quick hug before she left.

Once she was gone, I made my way upstairs, looking for Nick. It didn't take long to find him in his office, his head lowered in frustration.

"I'm sorry, Nick," I said quietly as I closed the door behind me. "I didn't mean to worry you so much."

He glanced up briefly before shaking his head. "Do you know how fucking crazy I went, thinking something had happened to you?"

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