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  Chapter 66: Touching the scene,
  Chi Yanhuai gently covered her lips and whispered, "There's something wrong with the child he's holding." "

  Something's wrong?" The lips covered by him blurted out doubts in a blurred and thin voice, her smart eyes Then she said, "I'm familiar with this. I want to see if it's what I guessed." As she said that, she was about to poke her head out.

  As soon as his little head popped up, he was pushed back by Chi Yanhuai. He said helplessly, "One more thing is better than one less thing. I'm worried that something will happen to you. My brother is also arriving today, so we'd better be safe.

  " Seeing his serious and determined look, Tang Anan, who was holding down, sighed softly and looked at him with a slight pout, "Okay."

  Depending on the situation, I will agree to it for now.

  Tang Anan looked out of the door through the crack and saw the old man dodging some zombies with quick steps. He looked like he was getting stronger with age. If it weren't for that old face, he really didn't look like an old man.

  Looking at the child he was holding, he looked younger than her. The child had his eyes closed tightly, and he didn't know whether he had fainted or died.

  The old man hid in the warehouse, put the child gently on the ground, picked up a kitchen knife and slashed wildly at the zombies that had been chasing him, and then closed the door with a "bang".

  Panting, he leaned against the wall and slowly slid down to the ground, dropping the kitchen knife on the ground. He looked up at the child next to him, quickly picked her up again, and patted the child with his rough-skinned hands stained with blood. The back of her hand seemed to be coaxing her, "Xiao Hui must be very hungry. Grandpa will find you something to eat. Don't sleep. If you sleep, you won't be able to get up."

  After saying that, he slowly stood up and walked forward with her in his arms, looking for food on the shelves. But all the food that has not expired has been put into the portable space by Tang Anan, so how can there be anything edible left here.   -Tang Anan, who was hiding in the dark with Chi Yanhuai, saw this scene clearly through the cracks. She lowered her eyes, her emotions flashed past, and then looked at Chi Yanhuai beside her, and said softly, "Yeah, the
He was locked up."

  "What should I do?" she asked, but she didn't look like she really wanted Chi Yanhuai to give an answer. She added, "That old man is a bit pitiful, and I don't know if the baby is still alive."

  " You are not such a soft-hearted person, An An." Chi Yanhuai frowned slightly and put a warm hand on her shoulder, "Let's go, we can control it for a while, but not for the rest of our lives. If he wants to go with us, we I 'm afraid I don't have enough skills to protect them."

  "I know." Tang Anan looked at the old man who was still anxiously looking for food, and whispered, "If you are not careful enough for a moment, you may get bitten back. , just like farmers and snakes."

  "Then why are you?" Chi Yanhuai stared into her clear eyes and opened her thin lips lightly: "Why do you want to help him?"

  She blinked and said casually, "Maybe it's because that child looks a bit like me."

  Upon hearing this, Chi Yanhuai chuckled and shook his head, "There are probably very few children like you in the world, and even adults may not have the ability you have."

  Tang An An pursed her lips and smiled: "I'm not talking about ability, I'm just a little emotional." She took out two easy-to-fill breads and a bottle of milk, and asked the doll to be quietly placed on the shelf behind her where the old man could not see it. .

  Chi Yanhuai glanced at the food on the shelf and looked down at her. His eyes as deep as lake water swayed like the wind. He rubbed her head and said, "Okay, you can make your own decision. As long as there is no I won't stop you even if your life is in danger."

  (End of Chapter)

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