Chapter 2: why lie?

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Ayanokoji POV

I entered the room as I see Kushida and the black haired girl from before, Kushida seemed to have easily been talking to many people as they we mesmerized by how great she was with them and conversing. I do wonder why she chooses to hide behind a mask, I am sure the Kushida behind is great as well

I looked around the class and easily pin pointed my seat, it was next to the window as well as the black haired girl I talked to before

I made my way toward my seat as I read her name plate 'Horikita Suzune'

I suppose the most appropriate course of action would be to introduce myself, this is our second time meeting and we are sitting right next to each other for the next three years

"Hello, I am Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, it is nice to meet you" I introduced myself as she glared at me, having no effect on my mental

"You just went ahead and introduced yourself?" she said a little accusingly which confused me, did I do something wrong?

"Well yeah, this is the second time we have met and we are sitting right next to each other, so i thought it would be appropriate to do so" I explained to her, trying to be as polite as possible

"Is it alright if i refuse then?" she said but it felt more like a statement

"It is alright, I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable" I said as I realized that I shouldn't bother someone who clearly doesn't want my company

She looked toward me in a little surprise as she turned away and looked to the forward of the class, after a few seconds she said 

"Horikita Suzune, that's my name, I am only telling you this as a formality" she said as i nodded

"I hope our next 3 years together go smoothly and well" I said as she doesn't reply

after a while the class is filled all types of people, so many people with such vibrant looks, ways they talk or even walk. Each person had so much uniqueness in the way they presented themselves

after some more time an older woman with soft features with an aura of authority walked into the room. She looked like an older version of Horikita, but she seemed very lonely to as well as disappointed, her eyes looked as if they were suffering in silence with hopelessness, I really didn't like seeing that

"Ahem, goodmorning students I am your homeroom teacher, Chabashira Sae. I teach Japanese history and as classes don't switch with year, I will be with your class for the next three years. Now I will be handing out your student ID cards" She introduced herself as we were handed out digital cards 

"The campus uses a point system to pay for things and just for transactions done on the campus and anything reasonable can be bought for a price, there is no communication with anyone outside the campus. Your points will be deposited at the first of every month and your cards have been loaded with 100 thousand points already" Miss Chabashira explained as the class erupted the information

I didn't understand, it's a lot of money but it is obviously an entry allowance to get our affairs in order, I should ask when i get the chance how much we will get next month as well as asking for the limit of the freedom we have with the things we can buy. 

"You receive points based on how the school has evaluated you and your merit. if anyone has any questions please ask them now" Miss Chabashira said as I raised my hand, surprisingly being the only one to do so

"Yes? Ayanokoji if I am right, what do you wish to ask?" Miss Chabashira said as I asked

"yes Ma'am, I had a few questions. Firstly, what is our allowance going forward from next month onward?" I asked as a few people looked at me dumbfounded

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