Chapter 5

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How can my parents force me to marry an arrogant, mannerless and selfish woman?

Nobody knows but them and I need to know why and I know that they planned this whole thing of excusing themselves to go outside. Did they really think that I was going to act all romantic with miss arrogant over here?

"What are you trying to say?" I angrily asked her.
She just wickedly smiled, "I'm not trying to say, I am saying that you are unworthy of being my HUSBAND." she looked away and looked proud of what she had said.

I walked over to where she was sitting and sat next to her, "Are you trying to say that I'm ugly or?" I asked as I pulled the best flirty face I could.
She just looked blankly at me and rolled her eyes, "Maybe, maybe not." She shrugged her shoulders.

I glared at her, "So you are not charmed by me nor smitten?" I asked curiously.

She looked at me and grinned, "Your face is one I don't wish to wake up next to every morning." She smiled proudly.

That hurt I must admit but I'm not giving up.

I looked at her from head to toe trying to find something wrong about and before I could say anything she laughed at me and pushed my face to the other side.

"I must say I know I'm beautiful but please don't stare at me like that I'm flattered. Or should I say flustered."
She blushed.

I knew that I made her feel something deep down.
I smiled at her, "So that means you are smitten?"

"Maybe." She smiled at me.

"I knew that I Andrew London can charm even the arrogant." I proudly announced.
She laughed sarcastically this time and I raise my eyebrow in confusion,

"What is it?"

She pointed at me and smirked, "You really believe all those things I said."

"What?" I asked confused.

She made a disgusted face and repeated the words she said, "Oh I'm flustered, don't stare at me!!"

I glared at her once more resisting the thought of strangling her or even running to the kitchen to get a knife and stab her.

"You are such a mood killer I hate you. OKAY?!?!?"

She looked at me for a moment, "Are you serious, cause the feeling's mutual."

I sighed, "Get away from me you pest."
She opened her mouth in shock,

"Excuse me-"

"You are excused." I interrupted her.

She grabbed my shirt the the collar and glared at me, "Never interrupt me when I speak London!"

"Okay!" I ashouted then pushed her off me and stood up.

I quickly fixed myself and turned to her, "Celestia McKenzie."
She looked away and I continued.

"What a beautiful name for an arrogant being you actually don't deserve this name don't you think??"

She threw the cushion at me and I catched it and smiled at her, "Trained professional basketball player so maybe try better next time and make sure to some perfectly cause you pretty bad at it."

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