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Words to My Self

Self, why be reckless, hurrying toward doom? Why be impatient, headstrong, proud, and dumb? With sunshine, soil, and water plants will bloom; if you will pray and wait, much good will come.

Good Wishes

May you experience amazing grace, enlightenment transform your life today; the present be the time, and here the place all fearfulness be fully cast away. May you now know the bliss of perfect peace, and heaven's light pervade your body, too; and may your blessedness so much increase... that you find joy in everything you do! May Jesus' love inspire and bless your heart; may healing bless your every body part! Friend, everything is gonna be alright; let's love the Lord and all with all our might! We'll know the truth, the truth shall make us free; how wonderful that we can simply be! As every single day we do our best, let's put our trust in God to do the rest! Lord, thank You very much for all your gifts, for how your perfect love our spirits lifts. We love You, Lord, what more is there to say? Stand by us, Lord! In Your sweet name we pray!

Crises & Remedies

Pandemic, climate crisis, endless war: the remedy for these is loving more! Injustice, poverty, and crazy fears - these all will fade when much more love appears!


Why do the heathen race toward omnicide? And given that, why do we fail to pray? When love to anyone has been denied, sweet blessedness has gotten thrown away! A remedy's inside my heart of hearts, right when and where my own repentance starts! Lord, help me every day to meet the need; my heart toward being truly loving lead! And thank You in advance for doing so!

Blessing for Stressed Persons

My heart goes out to you who 're suff'ring stress, may you now be relieved of what's too rough. Your strong ability to cope I bless, may heaven help you be more'n tough enough! You can succeed in coping well today; for all the best for you right now I pray! In Jesus' name!

Our Future

We humans have a destiny divine, of realizing heaven here on earth. With heaven's will, our wills we must align, love God and everyone for all we're worth. We can't do that without assistance, friend; we daily must upon the Lord depend. When you feel lost, may Jesus draw you close, of all His perfect love, give you a dose! To put our trust in Him 's what we must do; no matter what, the Lord can see us through!

A Prayer

Reveal Your Living Truth to me each day, that I might know You better, Lord, okay? I need to be more careful, prudent, too, so I'd appreciate the help from You. Lord, help me stay in prayer, as I groove; I need Your guidance, Lord, for every move. Lord, help me not to blow it, as I go, do help me wisely choose the seeds I'll sow. A better life for all, we must achieve; with grace from You we can, I do believe! Help us! Thank You!

For Light

Lord, help my life to shine in brilliant ways, that I may give Your love to all today. The fire within my soul must ever blaze, so I can show my neighbors Love's the way! Lord, help me grant to everyone respect, be one who's peaceful, patient, brave, and kind. Defenseless ones I must each day protect; for loving such as that You've me designed. To love You, Lord, my self, my neighbors, too, Lord, help me love us all with love that's true! And thank You very much for doing so! I know You're gonna help this pilgrim glow! Amen!

Let's Cooperate

Let's all be patient, kind, courageous too; forgiving, merciful, let's daily be. We all need love, on that let's all agree; let's try to love us all, the whole day through!

A Difference

A difference is something you can make; dig, all the time, friends, everything's at stake! When you feel baffled, don't know what to say, it just might help you then and there to pray! You feel unsure? "Lord, help me!" you can say; could help if you'll remember that today!

Prayer for You

With wellness physical, and mental, too, may heaven every day be blessing you! In you, may Spirit's fruits now manifest; may you receive the Universe's best! May you be deeply loved and cherished, friend; may every hurt you have your angels mend! May all your sweetest, fondest dreams come true, you find success in everything you do! God richly bless you now in every way! May all of this be yours, in Jesus' name, I pray!

I Believe:

The Holy Spirit works upon my foes, ta change their hearts toward being loving ones - toward giving up their missiles, bombs, and guns - toward bein' hearts through which good lovin' flows! Lord, thank You very much for that! Amen!

Prayer and Healing

Why don't we all stay smart enough to pray? Let's all be careful, prudent souls, okay? We thank You, Lord, for healing us today, for helping us to walk the wellness way! How wonderful that healthy we can be! How wonderful of You to set us free! Thank You!

The Lord and Us

Let's hope in HIm, let's seek to find Him, too. and patiently let's wait for him to save - ourselves, our friends, our foes - each day that's new. Let's try to be more careful, kind, and brave; let's try to find some joy in all we do; let's love, so we may find the love we crave. And let's all love with love that's really true. I'm sure that we can do it every day, and when it's hard, the Lord will make a way. Okay? What do ya say?

I Bless and Thank

There is goodwill that lives within your heart; I bless the love that heaven puts in you. I bless the common sense that makes you smart; I thank you, friend, for all the good you do!

To Someone Unhappy

Dig, Love Divine will never let you down; by Love Divine, none ever get betrayed. Please, let a loving smile replace that frown; we'll celebrate when you have that choice made!

Need for Love

Each human needs to feel some love each day; we need to feel some love to feel okay. It helps to have a lover hold you tight; and when one smiles at you, you see the light! So let's love God, ourselves, our neighbors, too; I highly recommend real love to you!

Relationship with the Lord

I've daily gotta put my trust in You, be very patient, brave, and faithful, too. Lord, help me pray quite frequently each day, with love and thanks, for help for all, OK? I love You, Lord; now, thank You very much, for every gift, for every healing touch. To save our Earth, we must connect with You; dear friends, exactly that, we've gotta do!

Calm Down

Instead of fighting, maybe you should pray; are you afraid of something, anyway? Why not calm down, and pray, and think things through? 'Cause freaking out ain't good for them or you!

Love and Justice

When love and justice travel hand-in-hand, then someone's understood Christ's love command: "Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself" - love Me and you and everybody else! Dig, justice is the public side of love, so all our faithlessness let's rise above! Yes, friend, let's do it, do it every day, yes, let's achieve the lives for which we pray! - with thanks to Dr. Cornel West: "Justice is what love looks like in public."

Help with Practicing

Lord, help me practice loving, healing speech, and help me act to make my words ring true. Lord, I've been told my words and deeds all teach: I must be kind in all I say and do. So, help me! Thank you!

Effects of Evils

The fear of death perverts the human heart; belief in lies perverts the human mind. To put your trust in love and truth is smart; it helps a person be more brave and kind. Lord, teach us all to put our trust in You, and help us all be lovers through and through!

What's Necessary

To me, to every friend and every neighbor too: you must be true to all the love inside of you! One day your life on Planet Earth is gonna end; until that day, why not upon the Lord depend? So, who is gonna blow that opportunity? I pray it won't be you; I vow it won't be me!



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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2023 ⏰

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